half a year old.


(i think i had olive in these pants in her three month pictures- and she was just as fascinated then as she is now)

today we celebrate olive's six month mark. six months! half a year old.  it blows my mind that half of a year has already flown by.  olive is the biggest blessing in my life- and also in dave's.  she brings so much joy into our home.  we love her to pieces and can't imagine our lives without her in it.

she is growing so much, every single day.  she just wants to be a big girl and do her own thing.  she hasn't had her check up yet- but my guess is she's about 14-15 pounds. at six months old, olive is-

// eating solids // man! this girl loves food.  ever since she was born she has been such a hyper eater.  it seriously takes us way too long to drink a bottle- all she wants to do is wiggle and look around.  we introduced olive to solids a little over a month and a half ago.  it took her a little while to get used to the whole eating thing, but now she loves it! she is having breakfast, lunch & dinner- and all of her bottles in between.  and she eats ALOT. olive loves: peaches, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, peas, bananas and we're still workin on the green beans.

// rolling //  olive rolls like crazy!! she loves being on her tummy. she thinks it's so cool that she can roll around.

// turning & scooting // to go along with the rolling- she also loves to turn around (while laying down; either on her back or stomach) and loves to scoot backwards.

// not a good sleeper // yes, we're still struggling with this.  a few weeks ago we tried to do something new. got olive in a different nightly schedule.  i was so hopeful and excited because it was actually starting to work.  we got olive to sleep THROUGH the night 3 or 4 times.  but then it all went downhill from there.  olive went to waking up only once during the night to 3 or 4 times!!! ahhh! i want to pull my hair out every night.  it's like we messed up her routine somehow by changing it up. i just want this baby girl to sleep through the night. because her mommy and daddy sure need it!

// sitting // olive is SO close to sitting up on her own.  i'm sure it will only take her a couple more weeks ( or sooner ) to get it!!

// such a wiggle worm // seriously guys.  she never stops wiggling. ever.  we are definitely in for it once she gets on the move.  i'm pretty sure olive would be sitting up on her own right now if it weren't for all those wiggles.  she loves to stand up. or lay down.  anything in between she is not a big fan of.

// stories //  her stories just continue to get cuter and cuter.  and more and MORE.  her little voice is so dang cute.  dave has this huge teddy bear that he lets olive play with.  one day he asked olive, "what does the bear say olive?" and did a little growl at her and she growled BACK! a few times.  it was hilarious and we wish we had captured it on video.

// personality // her little personality is starting to shine through and i loooooove it. she smiles so much! i just want to eat her little face!

// kisses & loves // i kiss her all day- so she grabs my face and kisses me back.  a lot! ( i think she loves me too:)) she also loves to give hugs.  i love it.

(i think i found this idea on pinterest... i couldn't wait until she was six months old so that i could bake this cake)

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