mini vacation (in black & white)


this week had been quite the long week, actually the past two weeks have been so exhausting on both dave and i.  dave has been working so much and so hard lately.  with so many late nights.  which leads to long days, not only for him but for both olive and i.  by 5:00pm olive is done with the day, and quite frankly she needs a break from her momma.  some nights, she didn't even see her dad.

so after dave worked a half-day on saturday, we packed up and spent the night up in park city.  seriously. so relaxing.

vacations for me tend to be a little on the stressful side.  especially if you have so many activities planned. so when you go on a vacation to relax and have fun, with a million things going on, it's just not very relaxing to me.

we checked in at the marriott summit around 5:30pm. just in time to get settled in, and feed little olive her dinner.  we ate dinner at a little italian restaurant called vinto.  they had some really interesting things on their menu, so we weren't sure if we were going to like the place.  but it turned out so yummy and ate our left overs for a midnight snack/pre-breakfast.

we had planned on going swimming and maybe a little shopping, but when we got back from dinner we were all exhausted. olive passed out, while dave and i laid in bed and watched all of our shows that we had missed all week.

it was definitely worth spending the money to sleep one night at a hotel.

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