Okay so it's been a little while since I last blogged and a lot has happened since then, seeing as we've had 3 holidays!!

t h a n k s g i v i n g was one for the books this year. All three of us caught some nasty bug and were in bed the whole week of thanksgiving. Yes, including thanksgiving day. So we missed out on seeing family and enjoying all the fun activities but luckily we were still able to enjoy a thanksgiving dinner. 

December FLEW by for me. It was so much fun this year to watch Olive with all the Christmas traditions. Dave surprised me with a real Christmas tree this year and I loved it!! And so did Olive. I loved having the smell of fresh pine in our home, it just reminded me of all my Christmases growing up. Weather wise for Decemeber of 2014 was definitely weird and so not normal for Utah. It was warm!! For most of the month. I remember taking Olive out to play without a jacket & to the park s few times! I had such a hard time actually getting into the Christmas spirit because of that reason. THANKFULLY it snowed and snowed and snowed Christmas Day which was perfect!! Speaking of Christmas Day- it was by far the best Christmas in a long time. Our little Olive was in heaven and so much fun to watch open all her gifts & play with them all day long. Santa brought her a few of her favorite things including: a Woody & Bullseye (from Toy Story), a few books, a Christmas outfit, a Doc McStuffins doctor bag, some princess "little people" along with 2 of their castles! Dave and I were planning on doing a small Christmas this year between the two of us. But of course he had to out do me again. I got him an Apple TV (which he had been wanting) and he got me a sewing machine (which I had been wanting) AND he got us both the new iPhone 6. We went to visit Eggett's for their traditional breakfast/brunch that Dave loves and couldn't miss. And then stopped by to visit my dad and exchange gifts. My mom was sick Christmas Day so we didn't get the chance to visit with her. Overall Christmas 2014 was perfect.

O l i v e - Olive is our little crazy drama queen!! I can't believe how much she has grown in all aspects just in the last few months. She is talking so much more, the tantrums are amazing and we just love and adore her. She is turning into a mommy's girl more and more! However she won't say "mom" "momma" or "mommy" of any sort! She knows I'm mom though! She'll point at me when we ask where momma is or occasionally she will call me dadda and wait for it... Sarah! Up until I got pregnant and we moved into our new home, Olive had a really good routine and slept in her own room really well. I've been too sick, miserable, sore, in pain (you name it) this time around that I haven't wanted to fight the fight of getting her adjusted to her new room in her new home so she has been in our room/bed for the last 5 months. Now that it's January and baby is almost here we have been gradually working our way into having her sleep in her own big girl bed and room. We'll get there! ;) Olive is excited to be a big sister I think. She points to my belly every time I ask her where the baby is. 

B a b y # 2- man! It has been a long 8 1/2 months! (More on that later) I am currently 34 weeks and 3 days. We are getting so close, I can finally see the finish line!! Just a little baby bump update.. For about 2 1/2 months now I have been having terrible pains where my incision is from my last c section. At first it was pretty miserable I could barely move and at times I would just cry because I was in so much pain . (I probably should have gone into labor and delivery.. Oops!) I finally decided to say something to my doctor at my 31 week appointment. She was a little concerned because she had only seen this a few times and figured that my incision was probably thinning on the inside. We scheduled an ultra sound to check things out. Luckily there was nothing concerning showing. Baby is measuring a LITTLE big for my due date- weighing in at approximately 5 pounds 13 ounces (which is a few ounces bigger than olive was when we took her home!) over all baby is looking great! I still have those pains- it's an everyday thing and happens with movement. Example: sitting up from laying down, rolling over from side to side in bed, getting off the floor or if I've been sitting for too long. Baby is head down this time, yay!! And LOVES to get tangled up in my ribs. I have a C Section scheduled for 39 weeks on February 13th... The day before my birthday! Such a perfect birthday present. I am STILL having the HARDEST time deciding if I want to do a VBAC or not (vaginal birth after cesearan) if I do end up going into labor myself. So if any of you have been in my shoes I would LOVE some advice! We just can't wait to meet her in 4 1/2 weeks!

Dave is super super busy at work which is a great thing! His business is really growing and I love seeing how happy it makes him. The late nights however are not so fun!! We just love when we get to spend time with him!

I have also started selling baby headbands and bows as well as headwraps for kids and adults! I have actually been really enjoying it. Look up my little shop on Instagram: babesbowtique or here is the link to my etsy shop:

Sheesh. I think I am finally caught up. I probably won't be back until after we have the baby because that's how slow I have become! Thanks for reading! 
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