our "new" little apartment


i've always loved crafts and projects but i've never been the one to actually do them.  a few weeks ago i was feeling like our apartment needed some color, i had found so many ideas on pinterest and i got to work.  i have such an amazing husband who was supportive and helped me hang everything once they were done.  i've always loved the color yellow and i'm obsessed with the color mint. and voila!!  i'm pretty pleased with how everything turned out. {yes, there is a chip in our dresser that needs to be fixed.. no big deal} there are sooo many other ideas that i found, but i guess they will have to wait until we actually have a house. oh! we are looking for this bed set below, if anyone knows of a place we can find something like it.. let us know! :)

{isn't it adorable?!?!}

last minute..


this weekend was pretty relaxing here, but at the same time we got a lot done! we finally finished all of our crafting projects {stay tuned for pictures}, cleaned out everything that was left in my room at my mom's house, and a sparkling clean apartment.  saturday night we decided to head up to the B with r&z and j&t to roast some hot dogs and s'mores.  i haven't had so much fun in a long time.  it was really fun to just be with family. we always have a good time when we're together. {as you can see from the above picture, i was a little too close to the camp fire.. oops!} 

life lately


a lot has happened since the last time we actually blogged.  my new goal is to stay up to date. {we'll see how well i do}  life lately has been busy. busy. busy.  dave has recently expanded his company and now has a business partner.  av solutions & tint city {for more information, visit the link above}... these two boys work hard every single day.  it has been a huge change and accomplishment and i am so proud of my husband.  summer is over and my kiddos are now back in school every day.  i have a lot of free time on my hands, which has led to a lot  {and i mean, a lot} of crafting.  i have completely re-decorated our apartment.  i am obsessed with the color mint green lately, so i have incorporated it into our decorating. my mom has moved out of our childhood home and into a town house in the layton area.  we recently had a huge yard sale, trying to get rid of pretty much anything and everything we didn't want to move.  we were really lucky to be on such a busy street... the yard sale was a huge success. a few weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our childhood pup, missy.  i still remember the day our parents brought her home.  we have made so many good memories with miss through out the years and it was hard to say goodbye.  we buried her in our backyard by her favorite tree, along with the last pear she tried to hide.  r.i.p. my lovely missy, we'll miss you.  we now have a new niece... which has made us baby hungry... well at least one of us!  and if our 'bet' follows through with dave's friend andrew, there may be a baby coming sooner then later.  we're sick of our neighbors all around us... above, below, side by side.  come on people! you live in an apartment, you need to learn how to tolerate certain things.  we have lived in our new apartment 3 months now and had 2 complaints before we even lived there a month.  we have crazy, crazy neighbors. all we have to say is... "s.m.d.y.l.b" hahaha. this month we will be celebrating 5 months of marriage.  i can't believe how fast time is flying. i love every single minute with dave.  he's amazing and makes me one happy girl.  my grandparents got us all tickets to the brigham city temple open house a few weeks ago, and invited everyone to lunch at maddox. it was a really rainy day but we made it entertaining and fun.  we got invited to spend a few days with friends at a cabin up in heber.  it was so nice to get away for the weekend, spend time with close friends, and the cabin was to die for!! dave has been working on another big company with his friend andrew that is going to launch within the next couple weeks called, ferveo.  dave is beyond excited for this opportunity and can't wait for it to start.  {for more information, visit the link above.} for the most part, welcome to our life.  we'll try to keep you more updated!  we're looking forward for the rest of the year and sharing our thoughts, memories and experiences with everyone. thanks for visiting!! come back soon.

r & z's wedding


this august rachel and zack said 'i do'.  we had been counting down for august 24th for months, and now it has come and gone.  so much hard work was put into this day, and it seriously turned out beautiful. dave and i couldn't be happier for these two, they are going to absolutely love the married life. a few of my favorite moments of the day were... spending lots of time getting ready with all of the bridesmaids {laughing & building memories}, helping rachel into her dress & shoes for the first time, watching taylor run to rachel in the middle of the ceremony, enjoying the company of close friends and family through out the entire day, sweating like men, destroying the car as nicely as possible and watching my little sister, who i had grown so close to and built so many good memories with growing up.. drive away knowing that she has never been happier. sorry mom for putting you through not one, but two weddings in less than 5 months. but hey! there won't be another anytime soon. {let's hope}

{please pardon the blurry pictures, enjoy!!}

first camping trip


okay, okay.... i really wanted to post about our camping trip since i deleted our old blog. i wanted to always make sure we remembered our first camping trip.  we had planned a nice long trip with friends to flaming gorge.  but when the day actually came, we had problem after problem after problem.  we bagged the flaming gorge idea, and drove ourselves 4 hours towards pinedale, wyoming.  we stayed at a campsite at fremont lake.  our camp was right across the street from the lake and right next to the out house.  dave decided that since he had been camping the 'real' way his whole life, it was time to camp in luxury... somewhat.  i bought dave a tent for his birthday {back in may} and we finally pulled it out of the box. we purchased some lovely red camping chairs from walmart, and a nice big blow up mattress.  we slept like babies.
the water was absolutely beautiful... it was so clear that you could see to the bottom. but. on the other hand, it was ice cold. we bought some goggles while we were there since the water was so clear.  dave became a fish that weekend.  we enjoyed an afternoon rain everyday, delicious food, camp fires, swimming, scenery, lovely company, and card games {can't forget the card games} it was a pretty awesome first camping trip.
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