life is crazy as is, but adding two kids to the mix makes it 100 times crazier!! i don't even know where to begin, so i'm just going to start back in february!!

obviously february was an exciting month for us!! we welcomed baby scotti lou into our family and we are loving every second of it! dave and i are the luckiest, and i still can't believe we were blessed with these two perfect little girls. they make our lives that much happier. life with a newborn was crazy!! we spent a lot of time at home, and olive spent a lot of time with grandma's, aunts & cousins. but we all survived! we still don't have much a routine which is KILLING me! it's so hard to get into a routine (especially a night time routine) when dave's work schedule is so busy, he comes home at a different time every night. he loves his time with his girls so bed time gets pushed way later than i'd like. but we'll figure it out one day!!

I celebrated my 24th birthday the day after scotti was born, so we spent my birthday weekend in the hospital! which was totally okay with me!! cuddling a new baby, fresh from heaven. what could be better?!

easter this year was so so much fun! olive was on a sugar high all weekend with all the easter egg hunts & baskets. i loved watching her find eggs and place them in her basket, and search for her basket from the easter bunny sunday morning. i can't believe how big she is getting!!

dave and i celebrated our THIRD wedding anniversary! i can't believe three years has already gone by, but at the same time it seems like we have been married forever! our anniversary was on a tuesday this year, so we didn't do much to celebrate! just got a babysitter and went out to dinner! although, dave got us a nice fancy camera for our anniversary.. which i am loving! (i've wanted one for so long!) so that's awesome!

may was a super busy month, that drug on fooorrrrevvverr!! dave turned the big 3-0, dirty thirty this year! i tried to pull off a surprise birthday party for him but he found out & had to pretend he didn't know.  we sent olive to grandma's (scotti gets to tag along everywhere since she is attached to my.... hip.... ;)) and a bunch of dave's friends and co workers went out to buffalo wild wings! i hope he had an enjoyable birthday! we love you babe!

on the 17th of may scotti lou was blessed by her grandpa moultrie (my dad) !! it was a beautiful day centered around our sweet girl.  we had a little gathering afterwards with our family and ate yummy breakfast food & hung out as a family!

the 29th our little miss olive turned TWO!! i still can't believe i have a two year old. i wish time would just freeze so she could stay little forever!! seriously, i think about the future and it freaks me out. i don't want her to grow up!! but we had a good day! dave stayed home from work and we just played all day long.  we took olive to toys r us and let her pick out a few things! the saturday after we had family and friends over for a little "belle" themed birthday party. our goal was to have the party outside but it was too dang hot, so we crambed 30+ people in our little town home! olive got presents galore and she was in heaven!!

olive had her 2 year well check up!! she is 24 pounds, 33 inches long! seriously a skinny little thing... but super tall! she is a little miss smarty pants. she woke up one day and was speaking sentences...? we love that she is talking now! we get a kick out of everything she says! she can count to 10, knows all the basic colors, knows the shapes: star, heart, circle, square and triangle, she knows all her basic body parts including her elbow (which she loves to point out on everybody) !! she is still a really picky eater, but is definitely getting better. she LOVES chocolate & donuts. who doesn't right?! and we are just about ready to potty train this little girl! we love her to pieces!!

the second weekend in june, the girls and i took a little road trip to moab for the weekend with my mom and siblings! dave didn't want to come, so he stayed home and worked the whole time we were gone. literally. he didn't come home until the morning of the day we were coming home, he took a little nap and went back to work until we got home!  we sure missed him while we were gone! but we had a blast! my sister rachel decided to ride with me to help out with the girls.  this was olive's first road trip since she was 8 or 9 months old, and scotti's first road trip period.  we drove during afternoon nap time- so i figured that was the perfect time. Scotti slept most the drive, but cried the last hour.  Olive slept for maybe ten- twenty minutes of the entire drive and also contributed to the crying the last hour. (that was fun) !! we went to ken's lake & hiked to the waterfall friday, hung out, went into town... you know, all the things you do on a relaxing vacation?! saturday, joe, timber, river, emily, rachel & i woke up at 5:00 am to hike Delicate Arch at arches national park. it was beautiful hiking that at sunrise. it also was a fairly easy hike.... not like i expected! saturday afternoon, the girls and i & rachel headed home! it was so nice to get away for a few days and relax and not worry about anything else!

sunday was father's day, the girls and i picked up dave some tools and made a card that said, "nobody measures up to you daddy!" dave wanted to stay home and do absolutely nothing, so thats what we did!!

scotti has also had her 2 & 4 month well checks. she has grown 3 pounds and 6 inches in between the two visits!! currently at four months she weighs 15 pounds and is 29 inches long!!!!

we don't really do much because dave works so much so we never have anything to really update and post about, so, enjoy!!

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