Nine Months

how does nine months of pregnancy go by sooooooooooooo freaking slow but having your babe here for nine months flies by?! i love my little scotti lou so freaking much!! happy 9 months baby girl!
(we will get her stats on wednesday!! can't wait to see where she's at on the charts!!)

Wolf Creek 2015

This past weekend dave's mom, sisters and i had a fun girls night at wolf creek in eden. scotti tagged along because she is attached to my hip! ;) i really had an enjoyable time bonding with my in laws. they are all amazing women and i'm lucky to have such great role models.

the girls went home saturday, but we were lucky enough to stay another night!! dave and olive came up saturday morning. i missed them so much, we don't spend very much time apart so it was weird not being with my baby. i'm telling you, this was a much needed family getaway. dave has been working SO much!!! he needed a little break. we were able to just relax and hang out. no schedules. no where to be. it was nice.

^^ Scotti's first oreo (8.5 months old)^^

Halloween 2015

halloween 2015---- olive the pirate & scotti miss tinker bell.

^^ k seriously!!  i can't handle those endless neck rolls and the biggest, toothless grin!! i could eat her up! ^^

^^ i think she is the prettiest pirate around!! ^^

i think we had a pretty fun and successful halloween this year!! i ended up making the girls costumes this year, which was fun and i thought they turned out so cute!  we had a packed day- my grandma had her annual halloween party. and then we went straight to "trick-or-treat" at the grandparents' houses.

dave and i got a babysitter and actually went out for the first time in quite a while!! so that was exciting. did you know, dave and i met on halloween SIX years ago?! i'm so glad we did, i couldn't imagine life without him.
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