How Are You 8 Months Scotti Lou?!?

seriously, 8 months??? i still just can't believe how fast time flies with little ones. at the end of every day, as i'm cuddling them to sleep, i just want to freeze time.  life wouldn't be the same with miss scotti girl, i don't know how we lived without her that short time that we did!

we have a busy little mover on our hands!! scotti started crawling just before her seven month mark. about a week after that she was slowly starting to pull herself up on things!! (although v e r y unstable!!) now at 8 1/2 months old, she is crawling like a champ, pulling herself up like a champ, walking along furniture, starting to balance without holding onto things, exploring like crazy and is developing quite the feisty attitude.  she has developed a horrible habit of waking up every hour at night, and still eats like she has never eaten in her life.

she l o v e s bath time, like a lot !!  she adores her big sister and daddy!! she loves being outside, but hates the car seat. she is finally eating solids. although we had to skip the pureed stuff- we just give her what we are eating. but you can't try to feed her, she has to feed herself! she loves spaghetti, beans, sweet potatoes, cheerios, peas... she hasn't refused anything we put on her tray yet! :) and still no teeth!!

she weighs 19.6 pounds, is wearing size 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers!!  i love her sweet, easy going personality. her little tiny nose and her blue, super almond, asian eyes. i love her strawberry blonde hair. her c h u b by legs and all her dimples and rolls. i love her sweet giggle and smile!! i love her cuddles, her stories and the amazing bond that her and i share! i am so happy she is ours.

LDS Conference Weekend!

one of my very favorite fall conference traditions is taking a drive up Logan canyon (to see all the pretty leaves changing!) with my family.  we have been doing this for as long as i can remember. now that we are all older and have our own families, those who can, tag along.

dave unfortunately had to work last minute, so he was unable to go this year. my mom, jess, rachel, my girls and i and joey and his family drove up during the saturday morning session.  we (always) stop at Old Grist Mill (mmmmmm, so yummy!) and then we either head to Willow Park or up the canyon to eat our lunch.

This year we decided to picnic at Willow Park and let the littles run around!! we had a blast this year, and can't wait until next year! maybe daddy will be able to come next time!

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