happy halloween


Happy Halloween!!! Love The Eggett's 

Oh. And Happy Four Year Anniversary of our first date ever!! :) 

5 months

 our little olive is five months old today.
i can't believe how fast 5 months has gone by.
and how big she is getting.
we love her to pieces.

// little babes is learning and growing so much every single day, i love to watch her explore the world.

// rice cereal. check. introducing baby food. check. she looooves her rice cereal, especially mixed with fruits. banana's are her fav. we'll see how she does with her veggies. ;)

// she has got the whole "rolling over" thing down.  she loves to roll onto her tummy but hates rolling back when she's done with tummy time...

// holy cow this girl loves toys.

// she really wants to be sitting up on her own and tries so hard every single day. it's pretty adorable. she'll be sitting up in no time.

// she loves to spit and blow bubbles.
she is the queen of drooling.

// laughing happens more often these days,  and we get lots and lots of big smiles out of this girl.

// she's getting better at sleeping. period. better at taking naps during the day in her own room.  better at sleeping during the night.  we are down to one night feeding, and sometimes 6-7 (occasionally 8) hours of sleep. heavenly!

// she likes her bumbo when lots of things are going on around her.  if not she just gets uncomfortable and cranky.

// she likes to tell lots of stories. mornings are the best time of day for baby. and between 6-8pm she's pretty fussy. i guess she's just done with the day by then.

dave and i love olive so much. ahhh!!

a weekend post

this weekend we were going non-stop. we had lots of time to spend together which was amazing, but i am kind of glad that the crazy is over so that i can just relax and get back to my weekly routine. 

rachel and i decided that we needed to do something to do with halloween before the holiday comes and goes, so saturday afternoon we all got together and made caramel apples and painted/carved pumpkins.

we used the carmel apple recipe from alexa zurcher's blog, he & i.  it was pretty much to die for amazing. although ours didn't turn out quite as cute.

my family has carved pumpkins our entire lives,  i'm just a little over the whole "carving pumpkins" thing.  at least until olive is old enough to carve her own.  so instead,  we painted our pumpkins this year.  last halloween, i was so sick and barfing every second from "morning sickness" that dave and i did absolutely nothing for halloween.  no pumpkins, no dressing up... nothing!

saturday evening, we had a halloween party with the eggett's.  olive and all of her cousins had a blast, and i was surprised at how many of the kids costumes were scary!

dave and i took olive to our nieces halloween dance recital saturday night, olive was so fascinated by the music and all the dancers. i can't wait to put her in her first dance class!!! 

can you tell how much these two love each other?? it melts my heart.

the little plus sign


october seventeenth of two thousand and twelve we found out we were expecting. {i'm a few days late posting} one year ago, our lives changed forever.  a little bean was growing inside of me, and nine months later we became parents to the most perfect little baby girl.

this past year has definitely been the hardest year of my entire life and also the most rewarding.  we all know that the whole pregnancy thing was not easy on me.  and probably never will be.  i was sick for 22-25 weeks, throwing up multiple times a day. when i wasn't throwing up, i was laying in bed exhausted and so nauseous.  

dave was a champ and continues to be!! holding my hair while i hugged the toilet, running to the store to satisfy my pregnancy cravings,  cooking me meals, buying me flowers,  helping me put my shoes on.  now, dave is the most amazing father to olive.  olive loves him so much.

i am so grateful for the experience of growing a child, for giving olive the opportunity to live.  being able to feel her first movements, watching my belly grow each day, hearing her first cry and holding my little angel for the first time. she is the best thing that ever happened to dave and i. 

i can't believe it's been a year since i peed on that little stick,  seeing the plus sign appear and watching dave jump up and down with excitement.  it feels like it was just yesterday.

our first pumpkin patch


dave and i have never been to a pumpkin patch as a couple, so we figured now that we have a little family it would be fun to start a tradition.

we went with our friends corbin & ashlyn who have a little 3 month old baby boy. we decided to find a pumpkin patch in the logan area so that we could take a scenic drive through the canyon to see all the pretty leaves, that are now gone, by the way.

we went to the most ghetto p.p. ever. that was in the middle of nowhere!!  we had fun, and made a joke out of it. the babies didnt seem to have any interest besides how bright and orange the pumpkins were. oh and olive loved the dirt. but, come on they're babies.

we ended up driving to bear lake for burgers & shakes as well. our friends had never been to bear lake, so that little extra drive was a must.

all in all, we had a good time as a family and with friends. next year we'll probably try a pumpkin patch a little closer to home.

flash back friday // our wedding day


i woke up bright and early with butterflies in my stomach the morning of april 28, 2012. i wanted everything to be absolutely perfect and stress free. stress free for me at least.  I took a nice, long hot shower leaving very little for the many girls living in one house. but who cares... i'm the bride, right?  We had our ceremony and reception at our really good friend Andrew Rinehart's house.  at 7:00AM our perfect white chairs were supposed to be delivered. 10:00 our guests would arrive. and 10:30 our wedding would begin. around 8:30 i got a phone call, "we can't get a hold of dave and we don't know where he is" instantly my heart dropped. I thought, 'was my man bailing on me??' I called several times with no answer. finally dave picked up and sounded like he was still dead asleep. {phew!!} all my bridesmaids and i got ready together. i had grown so close to all these ladies in different ways at different times. they are my girls. dave was lucky and slept in, played some zombies with his boys and showed up around 10:15am. when i put my wedding dress on for the first time that morning the butterflies grew and the nerves set in.  i was getting married!!!! to the man of my dreams. once i walked down that isle and met dave at the end, the rest of the day went by so fast. we were a married couple, and honestly we both got a little emotional. it was absolutely beautiful. we couldn't stop smiling the whole day.  dave planned our luncheon, which was held at joy luck.  we enjoyed great food, great company, and great speeches. we are so lucky to have such great people in our lives. after that we had a few hours to spare until our reception. all we kept saying was, 'we did it' 'we're married!!!!' my mom was amazing.  i told her how i wanted everything and it all turned out even better than i imagined.  we took all our pictures with family, friends, bridesmaids, etc. had our first {& only} bowl of dippin' dots before we started meeting and greeting all of our guests. it seems like a long time standing in line for hours, not to mention smiling the whole time.. but before i knew it we were eating our cake, having our first dance, throwing bouquets, all that jazz and bouncin' to enjoy our first night as a married couple. as soon as we left, we headed towards salt lake.  we stopped at california pizza kitchen for some grub. we were checking in at the little america when the receptionist says, 'okay go ahead and head over to the Grand America, we're up grading you tonight, on us.' what?? heck yeah baby! our suite was awesome... california king size bed, living room, huge closet, nice bath tub. we were spoiled. we just kept thinking... i don't want this day to end. it was honestly, the best day of our lives. we'll remember our wedding day for forever.

the things i love..


olive + dave
a home
beautiful fall leaves
halloween decorations
baby laughs
giraffe onsies, and baby hands
a fixed heater + a nice, warm, cozy house
cuddles with hubby + baby
exercise, and loving it all at the same time
baby kisses
fall season = all our favorite tv shows
daddy + baby sleeping
friends + family

{recipes} apple sauce cookies + blueberry peach quinoa crumble + chicken bacon sandwich

i've done quite a bit of cooking and baking around here these days.  i don't know what's going on with me, because i don't cook.  or bake.  when i was growing up, all i remember is my mom was always in the kitchen baking, cooking you name it.  one of my all time favorite cookie recipe when i was a kid {and to this day} is apple sauce cookies , seriously to die for.

apple sauce cookie recipe

{in seperate bowl} 1 cup applesauce with 1 tsp of baking soda, mix well.
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
2 1/4 cup flour
mix well
add 1 cup chocolate chips

bake at 400 degrees for 8 to 9 minutes.

the other day i was watching the rachael ray show and they were baking a blueberry peach quinoa crumble.  my mouth was watering the entire time, so i looked up the recipe and will be making it this week.  below is my shortened version of the recipe or you can go here.

blueberry peach quinoa crumble

1 dozen medium peaches
1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup almond meal flour
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon corn starch
{mix all ingredients together}

\\ for the crumble\\
1 cup light brown sugar
1 cup almond meal flour
1 cup quinoa, rinsed
1 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
1/3 cup flax seeds, ground
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup ground almonds
1 cup butter- cut into chunks

bake at 375 degrees for 45-55 minutes

dinner saturday night was simple and soooo soo good.  i made a chicken-bacon sandwich.  i was trying to go for something like the asiago chicken sandwich from wendy's but we were missing the asiago. still this turned out amazing.

chicken bacon sandwich

2 chicken breast
asiago cheese
turkey {or regular} bacon
salt & pepper
italian seasoning
onion salt
bun... or i put mine on a lettuce wrap

season chicken and grill until done, let cheese melt on top.  cook bacon until crisp.  build your sandwich. viola!! it's done.

{8 ways} to eat clean.

i love my sugar, and everything unhealthy. :) eating clean is by far one of the hardest things for me to do.  but it is one of the top few things that i absolutely wish i could do. i am by no means an expert on the topic. so i did a little research and found a few ways to help push me along.  hopefully these will help me (and you as well).

// cut down on sugar women should have 6 tablespoons, and men should have 9 tablespoons of sugar                                     per day.

// cut down on salt.

// cut down on saturated fats for example; whole milk, cheese, butter and meat.  instead; nuts,                                                              avocados, olive oil.

// cut down on refined grains (white flour, white rice)

// cut down on the processed foods

// have more fruits and vegetables, they're nutrient, low in calories and can help lower your risk of                                                                 heart disease.

// have more water to figure out how many (8 oz.) glasses of water you should have a day, take your                                   body weight divided by two then divide that number by eight.

// have more whole grains, such as; 100% whole-grain breads and tortillas.

as good as it gets...

before i got married, one of the things i was most excited about was having a place of my own to decorate, especially for the holidays.  when i actually did get married, i had this mind set {and still do} of, why decorate if this is not our permanent home? silly, right? well for halloween this year, this is as good as our decor will get. enjoy!

{ps... sorry for the horrible lighting}

general conference {let's get personal}

this past general conference weekend was perfect for me.  there were so many uplifting talks by so many inspiring leaders of our church.  and boy, did i need to hear all of the messages they shared.  it's not a secret that my life isn't perfect, and that i am not perfect.  it's obvious that i have made many, many bad mistakes in my life time. i'm going to get real personal.  in high school, i was involved with the wrong group of friends, and dated the same guy the entire three years who did nothing but bring me down. it started out slow, but by the time i reached the age of twenty one things had gone extremely down hill and i wasn't sure if i was going to be able to find my way back to what i have always truly believed. i would go to parties, and get involved in everything that i shouldn't have.  i did drugs so many times, i can't even count.  i would drink to the point of passing out every weekend.  things were bad, and the sad part was i knew what i was doing was very wrong.

i am so glad for the night that i called dave to come pick me up from the party i was at, from that night on i have changed and continue to change, thanks to dave. he has helped me in so many ways. i am me, again.  he makes me feel like i am worth something.  and i am so grateful that heavenly father brought him into my life. i am grateful for the gospel and for all of it's leaders and for the chance that all of us members have to come together every six months to be inspired by one another.  i'm looking forward to the day that i can be sealed for eternity to my little family-my amazing husband & best friend and to my perfect little olive and future children.

if you didn't have the chance to listen this past weekend or want to hear the messages again, visit here.

{life lately} welcome fall....

we're welcoming fall wether we like it or not... it's definitely here. 
we spent this conference weekend spending time together as a family, listening to the uplifting words from the leaders of the church.



// pumpkin spice
// halloween
// changing leaves
// perfect temperatures 
// baby halloween costumes
// decorations
// trick-or-treating
// our first date anniversary
// the month we found out we were prego's
// general conference
// cuddling 
// carving pumpkins
// halloween parties
// can this month get any better?
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