Potty Training Olive


i can now officially say, our olive bugs is potty trained!! it is still so weird to me, that she isn't in diapers anymore. that just means she keeps growing up and i just want time to stand still. she is such a sweetheart and was such a little trooper.

i can hands down say that potty training is my least favorite thing about being a parent thus far!! i would much rather deal with throw up, poop, you name it! it was so stressful for not only me, but for olive as well. throwing something so new at your little ones is always so overwhelming.

the first couple days were rough, but i also was REALLY proud of her! day one we had 2 accidents in the morning with 3 successes- she woke up from her nap with a dry pull up and immediately went potty in the toilet! but then she had 9 accidents to 2 successes which made me really bummed and ready for a new day!

day 2 was awesome!! we woke up and took her straight to the toilet. and she went pee right away! she had 1 accident to 3 successes before her afternoon nap.

we have tried a few techniques to keep her motivated and excited!! we all know how much olive loves chocolate, so she has mini snickers & kit kat's that she gets to choose each time she goes potty in the toilet!

most people i have heard, have a hard time with getting them to go number 2 while potty training. olive has been going poop in the toilet for quite a few months now. she basically trained herself, so we haven't had to worry about that!

we have also tried singing, reading books, telling stories, coloring, bringing her play doh, showing scotti, you name it, to the potty to keep her relaxed while on the toilet!

i am so proud of her and it is seriously such a huge relief to have this milestone accomplished!! go olive!

Happy Half Birthday Scotti Lou!!!

happy half birthday to our sweet scotti lou! how has half of a year already flown by?! i wish it would go by this fast when i'm actually preggers with the babes! scotti is the sweetest little thing, we love her more and more every single day!

i am so extremely lucky to have such amazing daughters, i love being a mom!! scotti definitely has my personality- more timid, laid back, chill baby. she loves to watch and observe every one and everything going on around her. she has the biggest smile you will every see, but unless you are the funniest person (ever) you will rarely get a laugh out of her. maybe a huge smile but a lot of the time just the cutest little blank face stare. like come on- you've got to be funnier than that! she has her rbf down like a pro!

i did this fun "half birthday cake" when olive turned 6 months old so i figured i better do it with scotti other wise i would have mom guilt. we took some fun pictures out front and eventually had to go inside to cut up the cake because miss olive couldn't keep her fingers off it.

she was so intrigued with the grass!

Baby Food

it feels like just yesterday i was making baby food for olive at home.  i never liked the idea of not knowing exactly what i was feeding my young, new(ish) baby. with olive i was all about making every thing we fed her. with scotti- i felt i had no time to make her baby food.

we have been trying a few different things with miss scotti lou (store bought) and she is just not digging it. so i figured i would give it a shot and give it another go on the home made baby food!

we don't have as much space this time around so i'm not going to stock up like i did before. but i plan on making the following:

apple sauce

green beans
sweet potatoes 

i simply just wash and clean each produce, boil those that need it & blend! i then pour the puree into ice cube trays and freeze. once they are frozen i separate into freezer bags and store in the freezer! it's the perfect serving and easy to just pull out and serve to my little scotti girl!

Extended Family Pictures

hello there!! we had a laid back weekend, didn't do very much.  dave worked a lot, and little scotti girl caught a summer cold.  so we've been doing lots of cuddling. she's still trying to kick it- hopefully she will be back to her happy self soon!

we had family pictures with dave's family! he has five siblings in his family and twenty grand kids!! family pictures can be a little over whelming especially with so many people. we went to wheeler farm and then got together for brownies and ice cream afterwards!

olive didn't nap yesterday so we had fun trying to get her to smile for pictures! it's whatev's!

A Pool Day

i took my girls swimming at my mom's apartment pool yesterday afternoon! we also brought along the duke kids so there was lots of littles to look after.  i figured- if i could do the lake powell thing with two babies, i could handle the pool!! right? right! 

olive just wanted to play in the hot tub- which was indeed very hot. but she loved it! she is fearless, just like her daddy. all she wanted to do was be like the big kids & swim on her own. she lasted about 30 minutes before she wanted to go home.  something about mommy juggling two kids basically on her own wasn't very appealing to miss olive!

can i just eat her up?!! i love her so dang much!

A Pink Wall

dave told me that i have weird ideas. i just really wanted to snap some fun laid back photos of our little fam in front of this pink wall. and by the end of the night, he told me he actually had fun! ;)

dave's cousin always has the cutest pictures on her blog... this is where i got the pink wall idea! funny fact: we pulled up and the building was actually "blue boutique" (an adult toys shop ;))  

one of my fav's

she's my little chunk that can't say no to pictures yet, so obvi there is more of her around here.

they're beautiful!! (insert heart eyes emoji)

ahhhh! i just love us!

Mornings Are My Favorite

mornings are by far my favorite.  both girls are usually really happy! olive's new thing is to say, "good morning" to each of us. in her cute little voice it just melts my heart. getting scotti from her crib every morning is definitely one of my favorite things.  she always gives me the biggest smiles and i love it!

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