life lately


a lot has happened since the last time we actually blogged.  my new goal is to stay up to date. {we'll see how well i do}  life lately has been busy. busy. busy.  dave has recently expanded his company and now has a business partner.  av solutions & tint city {for more information, visit the link above}... these two boys work hard every single day.  it has been a huge change and accomplishment and i am so proud of my husband.  summer is over and my kiddos are now back in school every day.  i have a lot of free time on my hands, which has led to a lot  {and i mean, a lot} of crafting.  i have completely re-decorated our apartment.  i am obsessed with the color mint green lately, so i have incorporated it into our decorating. my mom has moved out of our childhood home and into a town house in the layton area.  we recently had a huge yard sale, trying to get rid of pretty much anything and everything we didn't want to move.  we were really lucky to be on such a busy street... the yard sale was a huge success. a few weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our childhood pup, missy.  i still remember the day our parents brought her home.  we have made so many good memories with miss through out the years and it was hard to say goodbye.  we buried her in our backyard by her favorite tree, along with the last pear she tried to hide.  r.i.p. my lovely missy, we'll miss you.  we now have a new niece... which has made us baby hungry... well at least one of us!  and if our 'bet' follows through with dave's friend andrew, there may be a baby coming sooner then later.  we're sick of our neighbors all around us... above, below, side by side.  come on people! you live in an apartment, you need to learn how to tolerate certain things.  we have lived in our new apartment 3 months now and had 2 complaints before we even lived there a month.  we have crazy, crazy neighbors. all we have to say is... "s.m.d.y.l.b" hahaha. this month we will be celebrating 5 months of marriage.  i can't believe how fast time is flying. i love every single minute with dave.  he's amazing and makes me one happy girl.  my grandparents got us all tickets to the brigham city temple open house a few weeks ago, and invited everyone to lunch at maddox. it was a really rainy day but we made it entertaining and fun.  we got invited to spend a few days with friends at a cabin up in heber.  it was so nice to get away for the weekend, spend time with close friends, and the cabin was to die for!! dave has been working on another big company with his friend andrew that is going to launch within the next couple weeks called, ferveo.  dave is beyond excited for this opportunity and can't wait for it to start.  {for more information, visit the link above.} for the most part, welcome to our life.  we'll try to keep you more updated!  we're looking forward for the rest of the year and sharing our thoughts, memories and experiences with everyone. thanks for visiting!! come back soon.

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