month one.


 olive turned one month yesterday. i can't believe how fast that first month went by.  she is still teeny tiny but is definitely growing.  this month has been challenging at times, but this little family of mine is starting to get the hang of things.  olive is such an amazing baby. and surprisingly sleeps pretty decent.  most nights i am only getting up once or twice. {not including the early morning feeding around 6am} the first two weeks, i dreaded night time.  because she was so tiny i had to wake her every 2-3 hours to eat, and because we were still getting used to the nursing thing we were up for at least an hour each feeding. :/ olive is very alert, especially the past 2 weeks. she is very smiley and makes the funniest faces. she is very strong, and can move her little head really well. and! she likes to roll to one side.  i am excited to take her to her two month check up to see how she's grown.  we love our little happy baby.

1 comment:

  1. Just FINALLY catching up on some blog reading. Ummmmm. She is perfect.


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