^^ My only bump picture of this pregnancy so far. 15 weeks ^^

Pregnancy is a beautiful and wonderful thing. I am beyond blessed to have experienced it once before, and currently experiencing it again. There are soo many things that I love about being pregnant- hearing the heartbeat, feeling each and every little kick, wiggle & punch, watching my hubby feel the babes move for the first time.

But let's get really real for a second. Pregnancy is NOT easy for me. And honestly I don't blame my body for reacting the way it does- because, I'm growing a HUMAN inside of me. Others are especially lucky and go through the whole 9 months like a breeze. Me on the other hand, not so lucky. :(

With Olive I had the worst "morning sickness" from pretty much day one. And it lasted for a llllloooonnnng time. Like 23-25 weeks long. I was super nauseous, no energy, sensitive to everything- smells, fabrics, the way my hubby HELD my hand!! I threw up more than someone should in a lifetime. There wasn't a day during those 23 weeks that I didn't throw up AT LEAST 3 or 4 times. My record: 15 times in one day. FIFTEEN!!! Once the morning sickness wore off I began to enjoy being pregnant a little bit more. Until the end- I began feeling extremely uncomfortable. I know, I know- that's how it usually is. But, I had Olive at 37 weeks due to low amniotic fluid, which I'm guessing is why I was so uncomfortable.

I had VERY high hopes that pregnancy #2 would be different, actually I hoped it would be the complete opposite! We found out I was pregnant and for at least 2 weeks I was feeling amazing ( which wasn't like my previous experience) so I was happy! But then things changed and overnight it was like my first pregnancy was happening all over again. Except I had a 1 year old to take care of. Long story short, round two has been rough! Luckily the throwing up stopped right around 14 weeks but holy cow I am still extremely nauseous! I feel like I need to constantly be snacking in order to feel somewhat OK. My energy level is at zero- overall I just feel like crap. Round 2 has been MUCH more difficult (in every way possible)!

One other thing I also struggled with in the beginning while pregnant with Olive was the weight gain. Although I knew 100% I needed to gain in order for Olive to grow and be healthy. This pregnancy I had goals to continue going to Ballet Blast at least once a week as long as I possibly could (hoping until I delivered) I have gone ONCE since I saw that little + sign. However, due to "morning sickness" I have not been able to even begin that goal. 

I feel like there is so much negativity and judgmental thoughts & comments in this world nowadays- especially in the media. I've really been struggling because this time a round, I've gained all but 10 pounds of what I gained in the entire 37 weeks with Olive!! I don't feel pretty, my face is really chubby, none of my clothes fit (even my maternity clothes from before)- to make it simple. I'm really embarrassed to even go in public- let alone document this pregnancy (sorry baby girl).

 I feel like I am just rambling on now. The whole point of this post was to express my feelings about my experiences being pregnant. pregnancy is NOT easy for this mama Eggett here. But don't get me wrong, I'm grateful and excited- it's just rough!
Crossing my fingers things start to get better and the next 23 weeks (or less) will go smoothly. 

Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, I'm so sorry! I feel like pregnancy is just all around hard and draining... physically, mentally and emotionally! I bet you look SO stinking cute pregnant... but I remember people telling me that and I just wanted to punch them in the face! I look back on the pictures and they were right, I did look okay with a belly! Although I notice that my face is a little swollen, bigger butt and thighs, etc, those aren't the things everyone else is noticing. But there is just NO feeling good when you're pregnant, especially if you're sick on top of it! Once your morning sickness clears up I hope you can go to your class (sounds SO fun!) and feel a little better about that!
    You're amazing and luckily this whole process is worth it!! xoxo


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