a little late on the new years resolution thing...

when you still have six months left of your pregnancy when everyone else is making their new years resolutions you kinda feel left out.... especially when one of your main goals is to lose a bunch of weight.  prolly not the smartest thing to accomplish while preggers. now that my babe is almost three months old {really???} i really should start working on my new years resolutions.  i'm actually going to stick to it this time.  i'm determined.  i'm going to document my progress so i can see how far i've come, and will continue to do so.

+number one is to eat healthily.  no more fulfilling these crazy hormone cravings from pregnancy and nursing. nope. gotta stop. no more treats for this girl!  you know how i don't cook? that kind of makes this eating healthy thing kind of hard.  i can't just throw a bean & cheese burrito in the microwave anymore and call it good.  pinterest has been a good place to go to find nutritional and healthy meals.

+goal number two.  plan out each meal for the week.  need i say anymore? makes things a billion times easier. i found this cute meal planning sheet on pinterest, maybe it'll help me out.

+nuuummmberrr three. lose ALL of this baby weight and more. please and thank you.  i lost all but 9 pounds of my baby weight within the first 2 weeks of my babies life. thank you nursing! but also, shame on you for making me lose it all way too quick. for that, my milk dried up way too fast. :( waahh.

+#4.... exercise often. i have been going to a class called ballet blast for the past five weeks.  it's amazing guys.  anyone who wants a good work out needs to come.  it's held at quite a few locations, "like" them on facebook for all their information. i am currently working on an exercise schedule besides the BB class.

+fiiiiiivvvvveee. get my little booty off the couch and get ready for the day.  come on guys, having a baby is hard work.  the last thing on my mind is to get ready.  although, i've noticed the days that i do get ready, i have felt so much better and the day seems to go better.  my goal... 4 days out of the week.  or should i make it 5.  you gotta have a lazy day {or 2} now and then, no matter who you are.

now onto succeeding with my new years resolutions. wish me luck!

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