olive turns THREE months....


....this cute babe of ours is three months old today.  i cannot believe that she is three months. she is our little bundle of joy. i really can't stand her cuteness!! as i was feeding her at two in the a.m. this morning i was overwhelmed with joy, being a mother truly is the greatest gift i have ever been given. yes, even in the middle of the night. i would do anything for this girl. anything.

at three months, i'm guess-timating that olive weighs about 9... maybe 10 pounds. she still fits in size newborn clothes and prolly will at least another month, maybe longer. she loves to cuddle during nap time, which is a-ok with me if i have nothing to do.  she almost has a little laugh, she tries so hard. bless her heart.  she is such a happy baby, she is so content all the time. unless she is hungry or tired. her favorite part of the day is in the mornings. she tells so many stories. and loves, loves, loves to just kick, kick, kick those legs. who knows where she's trying to go! the bouncer is her friend. she thinks she's so big and likes to stand up on your lap.  we've pretty much got a schedule down now. hallelujah. she only wakes up 1-2 times during the night compared to 3,4 sometimes 5 times. shoot me. olive loves the bath. loves it.  she just kicks and splashes. she can hold her head up pretty well now. and i think the only thing she really hates is getting dressed.

we are so lucky for such an amazing baby. we love her to death!

1 comment:

  1. 3 months? seriously? I swear she was just barely born...yesterday. Enjoy those times! She's a cutie.


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