
The worst thing (okay, I'm being a little dramatic) happened to us this week. I had noticed that I was waking up with bites all over my body. The weather has been amazing lately so we've been sleeping with our windows open. I figured that it was justmesquitos. A few days later when we were getting back into bed in the middle of the night from putting Olive back in her crib we found a little bug crawling across our sheets. Immediately I thought "bed bugs"!! We looked at it closely and then flushed it down the toilet. I got on my phone and looked up bed bugs and of course, the photos looked exactly like the little guy that was in our bed. At first I was grossed out (I still am) but then I started reading and then we met with the pest control and found out the treatment process and I just became pissed. Something like this is not supposed to happen to me or my family. They sprayed our bedroom and then were told we had to put EVERYTHING in the dryer. Clothes (clean and dirty), blankets, pillows, bedding, olives toys. AND THEN store them in sealed garbage bags until the process is over!!! With my intense OCD you can imagine my stress and frustration!! Putting everything in the dryer isn't what bothers me most, it's that everything has to sit in garbage bags for a week, maybe two weeks, maybe THREE weeks!! You know what all that clutter is going to do to me?!! The number of mini chocolate candy bars I consumed the first day is unreal. I had a headache by the end of the day from all the chocolate!! Guys!! Bed bugs are becoming more and more common in utah! Those nasty little buggers are the best little hitch hikers! Please be aware so that no one else has to suffer!! Wish us luck the next couple weeks!

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