Scotti's First Accident

I was hoping this day would never come, or at least wait a few years. but it happened. Monday, around 5:30 i was finishing up the last few touches on a few bows I was making for my niece. i was in a hurry and scotti was fussy. so i decided to just hold her while i glued the hair clip to the bow with a hot glue gun. i luckily accomplished one without any injuries so i kept going.... which i shouldn't have.  i had just put a good amount of fresh hot glue on the clip when scotti reached for it and burned her finger. of course i dropped everything, rubbed the hot glue off her little perfect fingers and rinsed them under cold water. scotti was crying, i was crying and olive- confused and scared was crying. you know, as mom's we all make mistakes every single day. some little and some big. and we beat ourselves up for it. i feel absolutely terrible. but i also feel like an idiot. so don't judge me!!! it was common sense, i shouldn't have been holding scotti in the first place. but i was and i learned my lesson. i still cry and apologize to her every single day since then.

(monday night)

unfortunately we hadn't paid our phone bill just yet, so my phone was shut off and dave was working. i tried to Facetime him, with no answer i texted him about ten times. "babe. call me back. please. i did something really stupid. please call me back". as i was frantically running around the house trying to figure out what to do, olive right at my feet said, "mom! what happened?!" as she is hysterically crying. :( Dave finally called back and was already on his way home.  luckily, my sister in law is a nurse and worked at primary children's so she walked us through what to do.

it is looking a little bit better today (two days later), julie actually came by and helped me clean, scrub and re-bandage it today.  our little scotti girl is a trooper!!  don't be dumb like me, don't hold your infant (or toddler) while using a hot glue gun!! :)

(two days later)

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