What I'm Loving As of Late


being a stay at home mom, i have lots of time on my hand to browse the internet. sometimes it bothers dave because i am always finding new things that i say that i need. it’s always fun to day dream right? as of late, here are a few things i am loving….

+ my FitBit.  i purchased a fitbit just after having miss scotti.  i wanted something to motivate me to keep me active. and the fitbit does just that.  i have yet to get back into my exercise routine- but having a stepping, mile & calorie goal keeps me from just sitting on my rear all day. i lost it for a few weeks (or i guess i should say, olive hid it) but it has been found and i am back to keeping track of all my steps!
+ my contigo water bottles. i have never consumed so much water in my life than i have the last 5 months! my contigo water bottle helps me keep that water that i so desperately need while breast feeding in me.  i try to have 4-5 of my 24 oz bottles a day. i have the pink, blue and purple colors. i always say- if you have something cute to drink from you're more likely to drink more!!  it works for me, maybe it will work for you!
+ pineapples. pineapple clothing and accessories, pineapple fabric, pineapple flavor, just pineapple everything.
+ maybelline fit me foundation. i switched to a liquid foundation about a year and a half ago.  i had always worn a powder. but you know, when you have a new baby- you want a change.  so i switched up my make-up routine, chopped my hair… you know got a new look.  i have gone through so many different brands. but right now i am loving this maybelline fit me foundation.
french toast crunch.  i feel like i grew up eating this cereal. but can’t quite pin point the memory? i saw them at target a few weeks back and had to snag a box. i later learned they were a limited edition and stocked up on them at costco.  needless to say, we are almost out. (insert monkey emoji with hands covering mouth)
+ blogs. blogs, blogs, blogs. i have always loved blogs. updating my own, reading and following others. but i am on a blog high lately.  here are a few of my favs….  afternoon style , the mrs. and momma bird , love courtney lee & munday mornings
+walking. we recently purchased a double stroller- so we (as in i) have been trying to use it as much as possible. although i probably should pull that baby out more.  legacy parkway trail is at the end of our community, so i like to take the girls for a walk in the mornings.  there is a park that we like to stop at along the way to give the girls a break and then we make our way back home. it gets us out, gets us moving and gives us some vitamin d.
+ oh and of course the three most important humans in my life. they are always at the top of my list!!

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