eleven months of scotti!


yesterday marked miss scotti lou's eleventh month of life. i am so happy she is apart of our lives. we just love her. scotti and olive get along for the most part, scotti just adores her big sis and always wants to hug and kiss and be doing whatever olive is doing.

she has been baby jabbering SO much lately. and it's mostly mamama an occasional dada and wow when she sees something cool.

she is a horrible sleeper. see previous post. but they're only babies once right? snuggle them while it lasts. ha!

she is wearing mostly 18-24 month clothing, but she fits into olive's 2T's so sometimes miss olive shares. she is also in size 3 shoes and we just switched her into size 5 diapers.

she still eats like a champ!! we are in the process of weaning, so we only nurse 3x a day now. she loves- bread, strawberries, bananas, peas, avocado, broccoli, carots, spaghetti, soup, cheese casadillas, waffles, eggs, pizza. basically anything we put in front of her!

she runs around like she is queen of the land. and is my super quiet trouble maker! seriously though.

she is a perfect angel at the grocery store and sits quietly and patiently in the cart. target is our favorite place, of course.

scotti waves at everyone, even if she saw you two minutes ago. it is the most precious little wave i've ever seen. (besides olive's first wave:))

she also has started pointing at things and opens her mouth wide and goes "ohhh"

she has the most pathetic cry of all time and it makes me want to just cuddle her up forever!

we are getting really excited for her first birthday, and we are already planning her party. but at the same time, time can pause so we can enjoy this time we will never get back. the baby stage is and will always forever be my favorite stage.

happy eleven months baby girl! <3

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