she's learning so much!!


olive has learned so much just within the last week or so.  she is becoming so much more alert to everything around her, and she is wanting to be more involved.

we have such a wiggle worm.  i try to prepare myself every day for what's to come.  she is going to be one very active little girl.

i am absolutely loving this stage right now and i love to watch her learn new things. it seriously makes me the happiest mommy to be able to stay home with her everyday so that i don't miss out on anything.

her newest thing is to play with our faces.  as dave calls it, "she is doing some research" as to why his face feels differently than mine.  she especially loves the face thing while she falls asleep.  she has to have her blanket on both sides of her face and a binky in her mouth in order to fall asleep + the new face thing.  yes, i rock my baby to sleep.  i know so many people would advice against it, but honestly i love the extra cuddle time.  especially since i'm getting less and less of that these days.  so i don't really care what other people say!

olive has been able to roll for a very long time now.  in fact, when she was two weeks old, she rolled from her tummy to her back.  up until now, rolling hasn't been her most favorite thing in the world.  could she do it? yes.  but would she? not very often. now, the second you lay her down she rolls right onto her stomach.

she loves to scoot.  she hasn't quite figured out how to scoot while she is on her tummy.  but if she is on her back she moves all over the place.

i'm almost positive she will be sitting up by the end of the month.  she is pretty good at it, but can't quite do it on her own.

and oh man, her stories.  are to die for.  she has so much to say all day long.  her little voice kills me.  i love to listen to her talk to herself through the monitor while she lays in her crib in the mornings. melts my heart.

the whole eating her foot thing is very common these days.  especially while i change her diaper.  she thinks it's the coolest thing that she can do that.

we love this little baby girl more than we could ever describe in words.

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