what they don't tell you- post baby!


during my pregnancy, i didn't read very much... i figured my motherly instincts would kick in.  plus, i have had years of experience with babies and toddlers.  now, six months later- i wish i would have read a little more about what happens to me-post baby. so for all you new mothers expecting, here are a few things i wish i would have known.

1|| the fluids.  you thought your regular periods were bad? just wait.  do yourself a favor and take home as many of the hospital granny panties and huge pads as you possibly can.

2|| breast feeding is hard.  probably the hardest part about having a baby.  unless you have a baby born pro at breast feeding.  you will hurt ALOT , you will cry ALOT, you will bleed, you will crack, and you will feel like your nipples are going to fall off.  There will be times when you are so engorged that you will not be able to move.  GO TO A LACTATION SPECIALIST. Please.  it will help alot! these nipple shields will help give you a break from the pain.  they made it harder for olive to eat, but it gave me a little break from physical contact.

3|| post-pardum depression.  luckily it didn't hit me too badly.  but there were times when i thought that i couldn't be a mom or that i wasn't a good mom. being a mom is hard work- probably the hardest thing you will ever do.  but, it is the best thing that will ever happen to you.

4|| if you have a c-section like i did, rest rest rest!! get as much help as you can when you get home.  bending over sucks. and on all things holy- don't stretch out completely.  you will regret it.  it will take your body up to 10-14 weeks to feel completely back to normal.

5|| along with number 4, while in the hospital- let the nurses take the baby in the nursery at night.  since we didn't get to see our baby the first 3-4 hours of her life, except for maybe 10 minutes, we kept her in the room with us the first night.  it was hard and very rough.  i was still so drugged and in a lot of pain.  we didn't get very much sleep.  letting the nurses take the baby will let you get the sleep you need before you head home and you're all on your own.

6|| feeding, pooping and- if you breast feed- pumping will become your whole life.

7|| don't neglect that husband of yours.  he will feel like he's been replaced and non- existant.. which in a way he has been replaced.  but let him know that you love him, appreciate him and know he's there. find a show that you guys can watch together.  because you will spend a lot of time at home.

8|| and lastly, don't wait too long to get out of the house! get dressed, get ready, it will make this whole post-baby thing better if you can feel good about yourself.


  1. This scares me :( Just kidding. I don't know ANYTHING about being a new mom. That's part of what scares me pretty bad, someday, when I get pregnant. But you're doing great! I see all of your posts and pictures and I know you're just a fabulous mama!

  2. I am so impressed with your tips. Are you sure you've only done this once, you sound like a pro, some of these tips I didn't figure out until after the fourth one. Such good and impressive advice from a new mommy! Love you Sarah!


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