fishy, fishy.

hi. we're just fish-sitting for a couple weeks.  one of dave's mission companion's who lives in our apartment complex is going to hawaii for a couple weeks {jealous} so we gladly agreed to take care of their fish while they are gone.  how fun, right?! :)  when we first got married, i kept telling dave that i wanted to get a fish... but i was told that it would probably just die. he probably would have been right.

just out of high school, a friend and i decided to buy a fish.  they were teeny tiny neon fishy's.  i named mine "madame squidsea sheshell" and she actually lived for a really long time {the only fish of mine that lasted longer than a week}  hopefully this little guy doesn't die under our watch.

p.s. i was reading a post from one of my favorite blogs this morning and she talks about the importance of raising awareness of pornography.  i think everyone needs to read it.  you will be shocked at some of the statistics. click here to read more!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you're babysitting a cute fishy. LOL. Madame squidsea seashell. You're the best. Also, thanks for mentioning me! You're a sweetie!


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