one year anniversary

sunday, we celebrated our first anniversary!! i still can't believe that one year has already passed, it feels like just yesterday we were saying 'i do'! but then again, at the same time it feels like we've been married forever.  this past year has been the best year of my entire life, dave seriously makes me happier every single day.  he amazes me! 
we definitely had our ups and downs this past year, and we both have learned so much about each other and continue to learn more and more.
i couldn't imagine life without dave.  marrying him one year ago was the best decision of my life.
happy anniversary lover!!
love you to the moon and back!!

we haven't been very good at taking pictures lately... i noticed it started once we found out about the little human that's going to be joining our family in 7 weeks. hopefully sooner.... so we decided to make sure that we document our first anniversary.  sorry for all the pictures. enjoy.


  1. Congrats!!! Looks like fun! P.S. We love the Baja Cantina - YUM!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Love your blog :D Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy!
    -Char (your newest follower)


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