i was recently nominated for the
liebster award by dave's lovely cousin,
courtney. {check out her blog} at first, i had never even heard of this and had no idea what it even was. looking more into it, i found out that the liebster award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. giving you the opportunity to get to know more about your fellow bloggers.
how fun, right??
here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. go to their page and tell them.
5. no tag backs!
eleven random facts about us
1. i have a huge obsession with orca whales. aka killer whales. they are adorable, i want one. or at least to swim with one. okay, or maybe even just to touch it.
2. dave really enjoys singing. even though {he thinks} he sucks at it.
3. i love milk. i would choose milk over anything else. especially now, being pregnant.
4. dave hates when people chomp. so no chomping your food around dave.
5. if i could, i would buy
every single piece of clothing, equipment or accessory from Lululemon. {i can always dream}
6. dave absolutely loves being out on the lake, on his boat.
7. i can't fall asleep unless some part of my body is touching the hubby
and it has to be below freezing.
8. one of dave's favorite snacks is an avocado and nacho cheese doritos.
9. i have a huge fear of heights. huge.
10. dave is not afraid of anything.
11. i have never broken a bone.
elven questions to answer
explain how your blog came about? i actually started a blog when i first graduated from high school back in 2009. it consisted mainly of my life and everything that was going on. {like our blog now} it was/is my way of keeping a journal of all the important things that go on and all the memories i/we have formed.
what is your favorite thing about blogging? my favorite thing about blogging would probably be, seeing how creative i can get with my design, posts, etc. i also really love seeing how others are living their lives and seeing all the personalities that are out there.
what is one thing you have learned about yourself since beginning your blog? that's easy. that writing was not {and still is not} my best subject in school.
what or who inspires you? i'm definitely not a worldly person. i don't have any celebrities that i look up to. but there are definitely many people that inspire me in my life. for one, my mother. she's an amazing person all around. second, my husband. he is one hard working man in every aspect of his life. all of my sisters {and sister in laws}, my brother, my father, all my friends who have stuck by my side. the list goes on and on.
what's your favorite season? easy. SUMMER. end of story.
what fashion pieces do you consider a must-have in every closet? i would have to say, a scarf {or scarves} a pair of leggings and some boots. any kind of boots. i love boots.
what beauty product could you not live without? aveda's volumizing tonic. holy, amaze balls. so much volume. and aveda's pure abundance style prep. both amazing volumizing products.
what does your dream home look like? vintage style. with a pool.
if you could switch lives with someone {from the past or present} who would it be and why? holy hard question. honestly, i love my life. i wouldn't trade places with anyone.
what would be your tip for new bloggers? just be yourself. being yourself is what will help your blog expand and do well.
describe yourself in five words. shy {but} outgoing. loving. hilarious. {and according to dave} warm.
i tag
ariel larkin
rachel nielsen
timber-ky & joey moultrie
dearest honey
dani arbuckle
meagan heaton
{sorry i don't have 11 to tag}
lucky for you guys....... i don't want to come up with my own questions. so go ahead and answer the same questions from above.
thank you so much courtney for nominating me for the liebster award!!!
now you all know a little more about the eggett's.