that one time i helped my hubs out


so to help the hubs out a little..... i'm doin a little "tint special" for his company. {just what wives do right?}

how many of you hate having the sun shining right in your eyes the whole time you're driving home from work? or your darn a.c. quit working on you and you can't stand getting into your car after it's been sitting in the sun all day?

yes, i do know that it's still winter and we don't have these problems often. but..... winter is on it's way out and summer is coming. {come faster, paaaleeeease} 

my husband has been tinting for over ten years now.  and i would have to say he's probably one of the best. {and i'm not just saying that because he's my husband} he uses the best quality film, and is extremely picky.  so everything always turns out perfect.

alright, alright. want to know more about this "tint special"???

-if you comment below AND share this post on any social media {make sure to send me the link} you will receive $10 off your tint.

-if YOU schedule an appointment before march 28, 2013 you will receive $15 off your tint.

-if you, yourself schedule an appointment and refer one other person {this person must schedule an appointment as well}  you will receive $20 off your tint.

-if you, yourself schedule an appointment and refer two people {they both must schedule an appointment} you will receive $30 off your tint.

-if you, yourself schedule an appointment and refer three people {all three must schedule an appointment} you will receive $50 off your tint.

**original tint prices are $200**

as you can see, there are many options for receiving a discount for an awesome tint job.  if you, or anyone you know needs their car tinted, give us a call!

remember to, share share share. spread the word. oh! and 'like' AV Solutions on facebook!!

special expires may 31, 2013.

thanks peeps.

once upon a time

so the past few months i haven't really searched the web or actually gone shopping for things that i want. but target has so many cute things right now..... and not just clothes, everything.  their accessories, dishes, mirrors, decorations. seriously everything.  

i'm also really sad that all my lulu that i currently have, doesn't fit.  the elastic at the waist seriously cuts off my circulation. not only is it uncomfortable but i figured it's probably not good for my growing baby bump.

#1 lululemon, studio pant ii *no liner- in black for $108.00 {i neeeeeeeed them}

#2 two piece swim suit {from target}- top $14.99 bottoms $17.99... all i think about these days is the sun. and dreaming/hoping that we can just get away for a couple days {or longer?!} where its not absolutely freezing cold. in order to do that, i'll need a new swim suit. and yes, don't judge me... i'll be showing the whole world my prego belly in this adorable bikini.

#3 swim cover up- target, $22... ya know, to go along with my new swim suit :)

#4 mint wallet- target, $14.99... aaaaannnd i just want this.

liebster award

i was recently nominated for the liebster award by dave's lovely cousin, courtney. {check out her blog} at first, i had never even heard of this and had no idea what it even was.  looking more into it, i found out that the liebster award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  giving you the opportunity to get to know more about your fellow bloggers.

how fun, right??

here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. go to their page and tell them.
5. no tag backs!

eleven random facts about us
1. i have a huge obsession with orca whales. aka killer whales.  they are adorable, i want one. or at least to swim with one. okay, or maybe even just to touch it.
2. dave really enjoys singing.  even though {he thinks} he sucks at it.
3. i love milk.  i would choose milk over anything else.  especially now, being pregnant.
4. dave hates when people chomp.  so no chomping your food around dave.
5. if i could, i would buy every single piece of clothing, equipment or accessory from Lululemon. {i can always dream}
6. dave absolutely loves being out on the lake, on his boat.
7. i can't fall asleep unless some part of my body is touching the hubby and it has to be below freezing.
8. one of dave's favorite snacks is an avocado and nacho cheese doritos.
9. i have a huge fear of heights. huge.
10. dave is not afraid of anything.
11. i have never broken a bone.

elven questions to answer
1. explain how your blog came about?  i actually started a blog when i first graduated from high school back in 2009.  it consisted mainly of my life and everything that was going on. {like our blog now} it was/is my way of keeping a journal of all the important things that go on and all the memories i/we have formed.
2. what is your favorite thing about blogging?  my favorite thing about blogging would probably be, seeing how creative i can get with my design, posts, etc.  i also really love seeing how others are living their lives and seeing all the personalities that are out there.
3. what is one thing you have learned about yourself since beginning your blog?  that's easy.  that writing was not {and still is not} my best subject in school.
4. what or who inspires you? i'm definitely not a worldly person.  i don't have any celebrities that i look up to.  but there are definitely many people that inspire me in my life. for one, my mother.  she's an amazing person all around. second, my husband. he is one hard working man in every aspect of his life.   all of my sisters {and sister in laws}, my brother, my father, all my friends who have stuck by my side. the list goes on and on.
5. what's your favorite season? easy. SUMMER. end of story.
6. what fashion pieces do you consider a must-have in every closet? i would have to say, a scarf {or scarves} a pair of leggings and some boots. any kind of boots. i love boots.
7. what beauty product could you not live without? aveda's volumizing tonic. holy, amaze balls. so much volume. and aveda's pure abundance style prep.  both amazing volumizing products.
8. what does your dream home look like? vintage style. with a pool.
9. if you could switch lives with someone {from the past or present} who would it be and why? holy hard question.  honestly, i love my life.  i wouldn't trade places with anyone.
10. what would be your tip for new bloggers?  just be yourself.  being yourself is what will help your blog expand and do well.
11. describe yourself in five words. shy {but} outgoing. loving. hilarious. {and according to dave} warm.

i tag
ariel larkin
rachel nielsen
timber-ky & joey moultrie
dearest honey
dani arbuckle 
meagan heaton
{sorry i don't have 11 to tag}

lucky for you guys....... i don't want to come up with my own questions.  so go ahead and answer the same questions from above.

thank you so much courtney for nominating me for the liebster award!!! 
now you all know a little more about the eggett's.

happy monday.

this was the last picture on my phone... this will have to do for today's post :)

happy monday everybody.  i can't believe the weekend has come and gone already. we spent our weekend making homemade stir fry, eating way too much ice cream, watching tons of youtube videos, one of us worked saturday morning/afternoon while the other had a play date with the sister; painting our nails, running errands, playing with toby and laughing way too much. we had ourselves a little date and saw "escape from planet earth" {adorable}, slept in until eleven on sunday {and pretty much laid in bed all day} had sunday dinner with my fam while playing apples to apples and messing around with joe & tk's rather large dogs. {dave loves them!} and last but not least, finished our weekend off with the newest episode of "the walking dead"

now, onto a new week. with nothing planned but work, work, work. watching the hubs play soccer two nights this week. marking another week off our calendar, june 18th is coming faster and faster! and probably day dreaming {a lot} that A) it was summer. and B) that i was on some tropical beach.

p.s. there were absolutely no pictures taken this weekend. none. i keep forgetting that my amazing hubs bought me a camera! 

diy {baby} leggings

so, i have been wanting to do this project for a long time now.  i finally decided to head over to my grandma's this morning to use her sewing machine.  it's really simple, and if you know how to sew {unlike me} then this project will be a piece of cake!

materials you will need:
-a sewing machine
-sewing scissors
-a pattern
-an old {or new} skirt

i just used a pair of leggings that i bought for baby as my pattern, and then used one of my older, less modest skirts. instead of just throwing it away or giving it to the d.i. i'm actually putting it to use.

step one: lay your pattern on top of your skirt so that both waistlines are lined up to one another.

step two: with a fabric pencil, lightly trace around the existing leggings onto the skirt.  trace leaving about 1/4 inch seam allowance around the leggings.

step three: cut along the line that you just traced.  now that you have cut your leggings you should have two pieces both with a hemmed top. take the two pieces and flip them around so the side of the fabric you want to show at the end of the project is now facing inward.

step four:  using straight pins, pin up the sides of the legs to keep them in place while you sew.

step five:  sew up both the inner and outer thigh.

step six: when finished sewing, iron your seems and fold up the bottoms to begin the hemming. 
{depending on what kind of fabric you use, hemming may not be needed}

 viola!! and you're done. easy, peasy right?
i'm going to use my scraps to make a bow/headband somehow.... just need to figure out a cute way of using those extra pieces!

23 weeks and 2 days


i had another ultra sound yesterday! the last time we were in, baby just did not want to budge and the doc didn't get to see all of the anatomy that they needed to so we gave it a second try this week! this time she decided to corporate.  everything looks good and she seems healthy. we even got a little 3D action!! i thought it was a little difficult to see what was what. in the above picture she has her little mouth open, awwwh! i think she's cute.

{17 more weeks to go!!!!!!!}

how far along? 23 weeks and 2 days
how big is baby? {according to my phone app} baby is the size of a pomegranate and according to the                    ultra sound she weighs 1 pound 3 ounces.
maternity clothes? i finally bought my first pair of maternity jeans. holy! they are heavenly!! i don't know why i waited so long to get them.  i'm planning on going back for more.
stretch marks?  none so far, thank goodness!
sleep? i wake up at least once to go to the bathroom... some nights are worse than others, i just can't get comfortable. 
best moment this week? the best moment this week was definitely when dave felt her kick {and it was a hard kick!!}  he thinks she's going to be a soccer player like daddy.. but we all know she's gonna be a dancer like mom! ;)
movement? TONS. especially in the mornings around 10:00 and late at night when i'm laying down to go to bed.
food cravings? still lots of steak and recently, bread!
belly button, in or out? it's getting smaller and smaller each day.... it looks like its going to be an outie. {lets pray it won't get that far} 

the big 22!


this valentine's i turned the big 22! and i thought that last year i was getting old.  i am also 22 weeks pregnant.. {kind of ironic, right?} this was dave and i's third valentine's day spent together! the first we were in cali, the second.. he spoiled me like crazy. {i'm not exaggerating one bit} and this year was soo relaxing, it was amazing!! we slept in way too late, i opened my adorable new camera.  seriously, it's to die for. and i gave him my lovely/crafty valentine's gifts. we went and saw the new movie "safe haven" {bring tissues for sure!} went to dinner at ruby rivers {and got free cheese cake, mmmm!} and came home and watched a movie in bed. it was perfect, i loved spending the whole day with dave!

i love feeling this little baby girl move around in there!! dave felt a tiny kick the other day. oh, it was a happy day.  you should have seen his face light up!  we had another doctors appointment this week.  things are going really well, and lucky for us we get another ultra sound next week. thanks to this little babe for being in such an awkward position four weeks ago, they weren't able to see everything they needed to. i'm a little excited to see her again.  the second trimester has been heavenly so far {except for the having no energy part} :) i had the weirdest dream last night about this baby! we were finally at the stage when we can definitely feel her kicks from the outside.  now, people keep telling me that you can tell when it's a foot, or hand or elbow. and sometimes you can even see it..? well our little baby girl was punching my belly and as i go to put my hand on my stomach her tiny little hand grabs hold of my finger... yeah. it was a strange dream.......

hope everyone had a good valentine's day...... it's friday!!!! happy weekend!

my valentine

this month we've really been focusing on the things that we care about the most. from the tiny, small things to the bigger, most important things of life.  what is most important to me, is my valentine.  my amazing husband.  sometimes we get so caught up in life that we don't stop and appreciate the blessings that are given to us.  and dave, my friends.  is truly a blessing.  if you have ever met dave you know that he is definitely a people person and loves to be social and have fun. he is unbelievably caring.  he is always thinking about others {always} before he thinks about himself.  he is willing to help anyone, any way that he can.  another thing that i love about dave is how hard he works every single day. to support our small, but growing family.  sheesh, this man works hard.  not only does he work hard to provide but he works hard to build our marriage stronger and stronger every day.  {i know my hubby loves me!} i love how he makes me smile and laugh constantly.  i have never been so happy before in my entire life.  i just feel so grateful to be able to have someone that i care for so much and who cares for me!  there are many, many other things that i love about david eggett.  i could go on for hours! i'm really looking forward to this valentine's day and not just focusing on my birthday but focusing more on how lucky i am to have a love like ours.

today only

are you interested in losing weight? or know somebody who is? this awesome product called 'motion' is not only an energy drink, but also an appetite suppressant. reducing body weight and helps burn fat.

for only $150.00 a month, you will receive 48 cans and the chance to make money while losing weight!! {a one time sign up fee of $55.00 is included}

any new distributor that enrolls before midnight mst will receive 24 cans of free product in addition to their product order!

comment below, email me at or text me at 801-200-1200 to get enrolled in this awesome opportunity.

don't want to lose the weight, but want to make extra cash each month instead?? message me!

a little celebration

on sunday, my mom and siblings came over to our place for dinner and a little {early} birthday celebration! my mom and i made one of my favorite meals... enchilada soup. it's to die for!  and it involves a crock pot, which means it's super easy.

here is the recipe;

//enchilada soup//
5 boneless skinless chicken breasts {we actually just used 5 canned chicken, and shred it}
1/2 cup diced onion
1 tbsp minced garlic
2 {14 oz.} cans chicken broth
1/2 cup cornstarch mixed with 2 cups of water
2 {10 oz.} cans mild enchilada sauce
1 {14 1/2 oz.} can diced tomatoes {put in blender and puree}
16 oz. cubed velveta cheese {light or regular}
1 tsp. chili powder
salt and pepper

toss everything in your crock pot and cook on high for 3 hours... check it after 2 hours.. if it's thick then it's ready to eat. but it took mine the full 3 hours.  make sure you are stirring it often to make sure that cheese melts.
** if you are using the 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts, throw those in your crock pot first and let cook until done.  then shred the chicken and add the rest of the ingredients.

serve with tortilla chips, breadsticks and or rolls.  enjoy!

check out the cake my mom made me!!

 growing up, our birthday's always had a theme and my mom would decorate our cake to match. this year, my mom wanted to bring that tradition back.  but i just couldn't think of anything so she surprised me with this!!

baby cake!! we are all so dang excited for this baby to get here!

how to clean your ring {from home}


the day that dave popped the question, i have been obsessed with keeping my ring sparkling clean.  our day to day activities sometimes get in the way of this. from using lotions, hair spray, etc.  i have found a few ways to clean your lovely ring from home, using products that you probably already have.

the products include:
-dish washing soap
-baking soda
-soft-bristle toothbrush

{i have been using the dish washing soap trick since day one.}

steps to clean your ring: using dishwashing soap
-mix soap in a small bowl with warm water
-gently scrub with a soft-bristle tooth brush
-dry with a lint-free cloth so fibers don't stick to your ring.
depending on how dirty your ring is if this didn't do the trick, let it soak in the solution over night.
using dish soap is a good way to get rid of all the lotions, oil, hair spray and general grime.

steps to clean your ring: using baking soda
-pour baking soda in a small bowl, adding water to create a paste.
-rub the paste all around the stone and setting.
-rinse your ring.
-dry with a lint-free cloth so fibers don't stick
repeat this process, depending on how dirty your ring is.
baking soda is a mild non-abrasive cleaning agent the polishes all types of stones and metal.

steps to clean your ring: using ammonia
-pour a small amount of ammonia, along with water into a small bowl.
-place your ring in the solution and let soak for 2-3 minutes.
-dry with a lint-free cloth so fibers don't stick
using ammonia to clean your ring really brings out the color and shine. {which we all love, right??}

i hope this helps all you lovely ladies out there who want to keep your ring looking gorgeous.
p.s. you can always use all these techniques to clean your other jewelry too!

happy friday!!

{free} holiday printables


i am obsessed with printables, fonts, pretty much anything i can't create on my own.. i love! there are so many awesome links on pinterest with tons of free printables.

i recently came across this gem, and yes! i downloaded every single one.  if you're like me, and you don't like to go all out each holiday this will be great for you!

it's simple really.  all you need is one frame. just one. download each printable, and switch out each month.  easy right?? i love it.

i hope you enjoy these as much as i have.  visit here to download.


gotta love 'em


you know those pregnant {or even non-pregnant} moments when you just start crying for no reason and you just can't stop. and then it escalates into balling and then into complete sobbing. and there is nothing you can do??? yeah, those are fun aren't they?

i never feel full anymore.  it's like my stomach is limitless.

when you are watching a comedy and you cry instead of laugh. and so you laugh at yourself for crying over something hilarious.

drinking a gallon of water, milk or just whatever and still being thirsty.

cereal is heavenly.
oh. along with anything spicy! ahhhh get inside my belly!

the toilet is your best friend.

laying in bed slash on the couch all day because you have no energy, are your only plans for the day.

these little tiny kicks and movement tickle. yeah, yeah... i know.  they won't tickle sooner or later.

patience is very little.

waking up in the mornings, remembering that you are growing a precious little human inside of you. and immediately mark a day off your calendar.  it's getting closer and closer.

uncomfortable, restless, sleepless nights. and i'm not even huge yet!!

thinking that we are going to be parents!!!! a real mom! and a dad!

sweats are glorious.  although, not very cute.

you know. it's been pretty rough.  pregnancy definitely hasn't been easy for me.  but i already love this little baby.. i think i can handle going through all of this just for her.

yay for being 21 weeks.

all in one.

i decided instead of making you wait each day to reveal whats next on the fourteen days of valentine's agenda, i would share the remaining in just one post.  it's a lot easier for the both of us. technically you can do these on which ever day you want.. {but please excuse the random numbers in these photo's}. i found most of these ideas from six sister's stuff or from pinterest.

day seven.//  life would be un"bear"able without you
what you need; gummy bears

day eight.// i dig you
what you need; m&m's, a bag, ribbon and a shovel

day nine.// thanks for "sticking" by my side
what is needed; chapstick & ribbon

day ten.// you have o"fish"ally stolen my heart
need; swedish fish

day eleven.// i'm "nuts" about you
what you'll need; your lovers favorite kind of nuts

day twelve.// you complete me puzzle
i think this one is going to be so fun to make.

day thirteen.// you make my heart "bubble" over


day fourteen.// is alllll up to you lovers!!

happy valentine's day

on the fifth day of valentine's

i am currently still in the process of creating this love bomb, so i just pulled this image from off the internet. 
//things you'll need for day 5//
3 rolos
red paper
black string

rap each rolo with red paper, tie the three rolos together, along with the tag with the following; you're the bomb. add your "wick" and viola!! you're done.

p.s. for those of you of visit often, you probably think that i am crazy. yes i know, i change the look of my blog design often.  until i am actually in love, i can't guarantee it's going to stay like this. if you are crazy/head over heals about your blog look.... share with me your secrets. 

happy tuesday!! 

our weekend and then some


our weekend was very relaxing. it was nice to spend some time together since dave has been working a ton this week.  saturday we spent the morning catching up on our tv shows, playing xbox, facebook stalking and blog reading.  i scheduled an appointment to get my nails done {it was so nice to have some "me" time} while dave did a little working. afterwards we drove around town trying to decide what to eat for lunch, ended up grabbing a sandwich from spanky's and headed to target to do some maternity shopping.

//attention// calling all moms!!! were you and your prenatal vitamins friends?? yeah, not me. my first trimester was a downer and the vitamins just made things worse. so my doctor told me to stick to the flintstone vitamins and the folic acid supplements.  anyways.  since i've been feeling twenty times better, saturday i figured i'd start taking my prenatal vitamins again. that was a bad mistake.  i felt like i was in the first trimester all over again. and lucky for me, this little baby didn't wait until we got home to tell me she hated those darn vitamins.  i just feel bad for everyone in the target bathroom.  yup, our maternity shopping for mom ended real quick.

so we decided to stay at home saturday night. {like always} maybe once our little babe is here we'll be our normal, fun, outgoing selves again.

we planned a little superbowl party with some friends sunday night.  i've never really been into football.... and dave hasn't watched a single game all season.  we decided to cheer for the ravens and i'm sure glad we did!! we enjoyed delicious food and company. and to dave's surprise, i actually got into the game and asked lots of questions!

as for the 14 days of valentine's..... i'm kinda slackin' today.  but once again, it's pretty simple. run to the store and grab your lovers favorite soda.  print out or write a tag with the following; i think you are "soda" amazing. in all reality, i think my hubs is more than "soda" amazing.

///i'm trying to expand my blog a little bit.... so if you know any other bloggers out there that are looking for a 'guest blogger' send my information their way. or if you are looking to expand and would love to be a guest speaker on our blog, please contact me!

p.s. 10 days until my birthday!!!

dia tres


dia three. i wouldn't "chews" anyone but you. chewy runts are absolutely delish {i'm glad i have a husband who likes to share} for this one, you can use anything that resembles something chewy.

day two


day two, is simple and easy... you don't have to put much work into it. one bag {or they not sell the box anymore??} of hot tamales. mmmmm. print out, or write a tag with the following; you are one hot "tamale" there you have it!!

p.s. tomorrow, you'll need something that resembles "chewing" or something "chewy" 

14 days of valentine's


not very many people are a big fan of valentine's day. i definitely am not included in that group.  it's not just valentine's day for me, it's celebrating another year of life. i will admit, not having a boy toy on valentine's did kinda ruin my birthday some years... but now that i have the most perfect husband, the last couple years have been fabulous.  i remember growing up, my mom told me that the year i was born she did the fourteen days of valentine's for my dad and that i kinda "ruined" their romantic evening by deciding to come that day. so this year, i thought i would do the same for dave.  {except, i'm not expecting this little babe to come and ruin our romantic night} my little sister rachel found some awesome/creative ideas online and shared them with me! so here goes nothin!! day one.... "heart attack" box. i used a jar instead. cut out over 200 little hearts, and wrote everything i loved about dave on each one. {yes, lots of work. but i've had a lot of time on my hands} feel free to follow along with me and do the same for your lover. i'll be posting every morning until the fourteenth.

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