our weekend and then some


our weekend was very relaxing. it was nice to spend some time together since dave has been working a ton this week.  saturday we spent the morning catching up on our tv shows, playing xbox, facebook stalking and blog reading.  i scheduled an appointment to get my nails done {it was so nice to have some "me" time} while dave did a little working. afterwards we drove around town trying to decide what to eat for lunch, ended up grabbing a sandwich from spanky's and headed to target to do some maternity shopping.

//attention// calling all moms!!! were you and your prenatal vitamins friends?? yeah, not me. my first trimester was a downer and the vitamins just made things worse. so my doctor told me to stick to the flintstone vitamins and the folic acid supplements.  anyways.  since i've been feeling twenty times better, saturday i figured i'd start taking my prenatal vitamins again. that was a bad mistake.  i felt like i was in the first trimester all over again. and lucky for me, this little baby didn't wait until we got home to tell me she hated those darn vitamins.  i just feel bad for everyone in the target bathroom.  yup, our maternity shopping for mom ended real quick.

so we decided to stay at home saturday night. {like always} maybe once our little babe is here we'll be our normal, fun, outgoing selves again.

we planned a little superbowl party with some friends sunday night.  i've never really been into football.... and dave hasn't watched a single game all season.  we decided to cheer for the ravens and i'm sure glad we did!! we enjoyed delicious food and company. and to dave's surprise, i actually got into the game and asked lots of questions!

as for the 14 days of valentine's..... i'm kinda slackin' today.  but once again, it's pretty simple. run to the store and grab your lovers favorite soda.  print out or write a tag with the following; i think you are "soda" amazing. in all reality, i think my hubs is more than "soda" amazing.

///i'm trying to expand my blog a little bit.... so if you know any other bloggers out there that are looking for a 'guest blogger' send my information their way. or if you are looking to expand and would love to be a guest speaker on our blog, please contact me! sarahmeggett@gmail.com///

p.s. 10 days until my birthday!!!

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