14 days of valentine's


not very many people are a big fan of valentine's day. i definitely am not included in that group.  it's not just valentine's day for me, it's celebrating another year of life. i will admit, not having a boy toy on valentine's did kinda ruin my birthday some years... but now that i have the most perfect husband, the last couple years have been fabulous.  i remember growing up, my mom told me that the year i was born she did the fourteen days of valentine's for my dad and that i kinda "ruined" their romantic evening by deciding to come that day. so this year, i thought i would do the same for dave.  {except, i'm not expecting this little babe to come and ruin our romantic night} my little sister rachel found some awesome/creative ideas online and shared them with me! so here goes nothin!! day one.... "heart attack" box. i used a jar instead. cut out over 200 little hearts, and wrote everything i loved about dave on each one. {yes, lots of work. but i've had a lot of time on my hands} feel free to follow along with me and do the same for your lover. i'll be posting every morning until the fourteenth.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea!! This is definitely a thoughtful gift and I'm sure Dave loved it! You guys are such a cute couple :) Excited to see your upcoming posts!
    P.S. love the new look on the blog, very very cute!


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