gotta love 'em


you know those pregnant {or even non-pregnant} moments when you just start crying for no reason and you just can't stop. and then it escalates into balling and then into complete sobbing. and there is nothing you can do??? yeah, those are fun aren't they?

i never feel full anymore.  it's like my stomach is limitless.

when you are watching a comedy and you cry instead of laugh. and so you laugh at yourself for crying over something hilarious.

drinking a gallon of water, milk or just whatever and still being thirsty.

cereal is heavenly.
oh. along with anything spicy! ahhhh get inside my belly!

the toilet is your best friend.

laying in bed slash on the couch all day because you have no energy, are your only plans for the day.

these little tiny kicks and movement tickle. yeah, yeah... i know.  they won't tickle sooner or later.

patience is very little.

waking up in the mornings, remembering that you are growing a precious little human inside of you. and immediately mark a day off your calendar.  it's getting closer and closer.

uncomfortable, restless, sleepless nights. and i'm not even huge yet!!

thinking that we are going to be parents!!!! a real mom! and a dad!

sweats are glorious.  although, not very cute.

you know. it's been pretty rough.  pregnancy definitely hasn't been easy for me.  but i already love this little baby.. i think i can handle going through all of this just for her.

yay for being 21 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. You are looking so cute. And all those dang things will be worth it :) So excited for you guys


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