my valentine

this month we've really been focusing on the things that we care about the most. from the tiny, small things to the bigger, most important things of life.  what is most important to me, is my valentine.  my amazing husband.  sometimes we get so caught up in life that we don't stop and appreciate the blessings that are given to us.  and dave, my friends.  is truly a blessing.  if you have ever met dave you know that he is definitely a people person and loves to be social and have fun. he is unbelievably caring.  he is always thinking about others {always} before he thinks about himself.  he is willing to help anyone, any way that he can.  another thing that i love about dave is how hard he works every single day. to support our small, but growing family.  sheesh, this man works hard.  not only does he work hard to provide but he works hard to build our marriage stronger and stronger every day.  {i know my hubby loves me!} i love how he makes me smile and laugh constantly.  i have never been so happy before in my entire life.  i just feel so grateful to be able to have someone that i care for so much and who cares for me!  there are many, many other things that i love about david eggett.  i could go on for hours! i'm really looking forward to this valentine's day and not just focusing on my birthday but focusing more on how lucky i am to have a love like ours.

1 comment:

  1. Its almost your birthday :)
    YAYAY love this post Dave is great and Im so glad that you guys are together LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

    Happy Birthday Tomorrow and Happy Valentines Day


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