the big 22!


this valentine's i turned the big 22! and i thought that last year i was getting old.  i am also 22 weeks pregnant.. {kind of ironic, right?} this was dave and i's third valentine's day spent together! the first we were in cali, the second.. he spoiled me like crazy. {i'm not exaggerating one bit} and this year was soo relaxing, it was amazing!! we slept in way too late, i opened my adorable new camera.  seriously, it's to die for. and i gave him my lovely/crafty valentine's gifts. we went and saw the new movie "safe haven" {bring tissues for sure!} went to dinner at ruby rivers {and got free cheese cake, mmmm!} and came home and watched a movie in bed. it was perfect, i loved spending the whole day with dave!

i love feeling this little baby girl move around in there!! dave felt a tiny kick the other day. oh, it was a happy day.  you should have seen his face light up!  we had another doctors appointment this week.  things are going really well, and lucky for us we get another ultra sound next week. thanks to this little babe for being in such an awkward position four weeks ago, they weren't able to see everything they needed to. i'm a little excited to see her again.  the second trimester has been heavenly so far {except for the having no energy part} :) i had the weirdest dream last night about this baby! we were finally at the stage when we can definitely feel her kicks from the outside.  now, people keep telling me that you can tell when it's a foot, or hand or elbow. and sometimes you can even see it..? well our little baby girl was punching my belly and as i go to put my hand on my stomach her tiny little hand grabs hold of my finger... yeah. it was a strange dream.......

hope everyone had a good valentine's day...... it's friday!!!! happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Looks like it was a great one. You are darling. Cant wait to meet your little angel. Getting closer and closer :) YAYYY


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