getting organized//


umm, hello?? cuteness!!!

i have always been an organized person. before i got pregos our place was always spotless and there was never any clutter. {ask dave} there are times now, when i have to remind dave that this is not who i really am.  this pregnancy has taken over.

yesterday, and well actually, the last few days i've had this urge to get organized again.  i don't really know why because everything is getting packed up within the next few weeks.

but i found myself wandering the 'office' section at target yesterday and stubbled upon these adorable "organizing" supplies.  i have a problem guys,  i have an obsession with office supplies. and i don't really know why.  i just love them.  and i have to have everything.  i try my very best to avoid going to any office depot or office max and i most definitely avoid any office asile at any store.  it's bad news for me. and always has been.

but, i caved in yesterday and bought a couple things to help keep our important information and bills organized. my little sister has been using a binder to keep her bills organized since she got married and it has seemed to be working well for them. so i'm trying the same thing.

inside the binder are a few of the following//
+tabs and sheet protectors
+ medical, insurance, phone services, boat and any other important information for your family needs
+a checklist of bills that need to be paid each month
+a page with important user names & passwords
+any bills received by mail; marked with "date paid, amount and confirmation #"

hopefully this will keep me more organized.  i know once this baby is here all my old habits will be back. or lets hope so, for my sake.  i may just go crazy with a non-organized home.

feeling blessed>>

i have been feeling really blessed lately and on multiple occasions have stopped and thought to myself how incredibly lucky i am to have the life that i have.  i grew up in a wonderful family, the best family you could have. with a loving mother and father, and four amazing siblings who have become my best friends over the years.  i am very lucky to have grown up in the lds church, it has taught me so much.  and even though i have gone through many difficult challenges throughout the last five years i am still grateful that my parents always encouraged us to go to church every single week. i can't even begin to describe how blessed i feel to have dave in my life.  since the day i met him 3 years ago he has changed my life in so many ways that he'll never know. i really am lucky.  for his love and support in everything and for putting up with my mood swings that sometimes us girls just can't control.  i am so grateful and beyond excited that dave and i have a small but growing family.  we can't wait to welcome our little baby girl to our family.  she will change our lives forever.

enough with the mushy serious stuff, life has been crazy the last little while and i wanted to share so that we can remember what has been going on.  last week, dave and i helped his sister and her husband by watching their seven kids overnight while they were out of town for a work convention.  we thought that it would probably be easiest to bring the kiddo's to our apartment. {more comfortable for this 7 months preggers} in a way, it was a little easier.  but it wasn't at the same time.  seven kids never stop talking just so you are all aware.  we actually had our crazy neighbor come down at 7:00pm, freaking out because we were being too loud.  i'm glad dave answered the door and i loved his response.. "i don't care". the kids went to bed really easy. when morning came, we made breakfast, cleaned up and packed them in the car and went back to their house until their parents got home later that afternoon.  all we have to say is, we are very impressed with jason and jana.  i have no idea how they do it.

dave was really sick over the weekend.  with a sore throat, stuffy nose and an achey body. he took a couple days off work to rest up so that he could get rid of that darn cold.  i was hoping that i just wouldn't get it, but i woke up in the middle of the night last night with all the same symptoms. go away cold!!

on saturday last week,  we had a girls day and had lunch and tie dyed shirts at my sisters.  chicken salad sandwiches and little teeny tie dyed baby onesies.  ahh gotta love it.

we've been spending more time than we usually do up at his parents house just hanging out with shauna and randy.  dave and i are planning on moving in once our lease is up so we can start saving for a house.  we even talked about building possibilities last night and it made us both really excited.. i don't think moving is anybody's favorite thing to do.  especially dave and i's.  it's really been stressing me out lately.  mostly because i don't have the energy to box everything up.  so we're starting this weekend and we're slowly putting things away so that when may comes, we don't actually have to do it all in just a few days.

the weather was amazing yesterday, and we spent a good little while outside helping dave's parents trim their apple tree.  it felt so nice to have the sun out.  i even convinced dave to buy a bassinet for the baby, so we put that together yesterday too!

my mom has finally found a place of her own and will be moving out of her parents house this weekend.  i'm so excited for her!! her new place is nice and big and open and will be perfect for the three of them.  i'm so happy for her.

dave and i went to see the new gi joe movie last night with his sister and parents.  at 9:30pm.  i've never been so uncomfortable during a movie ever! these ribs and my back are killing me.  i'm somewhat convinced that it was just the seats.... but it most definitely was also because of this little human inside of me. :)

i can't believe that easter is this sunday!! where has the time gone?!  that's our life lately, it's going to get ten times crazier as it gets closer and closer to summer and baby time!! we can't wait.

baby nursery "to get" list


 crib || target, $209.99 || on registry 
 taylor nursery bedding || pottery barn, $19.00- $149.00

 we already have a dresser for baby that we would love to paint like this || grey with pink handles
letter O || michael's craft store, $3.99 || paper; under $1.00

we still have tons to do before baby gets here, and it's difficult because our lease isn't up until may 31st which gives us a little over two weeks before my due date. so we have very little time.  i want baby's nursery to be nice and simple.  with light pink and grey colors and an elephant theme.  she'll most likely be in our bedroom the first couple months but it will still be fun to get her nursery put together.  these are just a few of the "main" things for our 'baby nursery "to get" list'

the last trimester

i am now officially in the third trimester and 28 weeks along. {big sigh} it's such a relief to finally be within the last few weeks of pregnancy.  it's been a rough one, and i think i may have convinced myself that one is plenty for us eggett's.  but you know what? i think i'm actually going to miss it a little bit. i'll miss the fact that i always have a little buddy with me.  i'll miss feeling her little and sometimes not so little kicks and movements. i think, yes i think, i'll miss my baby bump.  but dave and i are getting so excited to meet this little baby egg.

at twenty eight weeks, i am actually starting to feel uncomfortable.  i woke up for the first time yesterday with painful ribs. and went throughout the day feeling her kick and jab me in the ribs for the first time. {i was definitely dreading this day} this baby girl is constantly moving and i absolutely love it.  i love actually seeing her move and i love feeling her little body parts poking up. {i can't wait to hold this little babe} she loves her daddy.  whenever daddy comes home, she goes nuts. and actually, the most movement is when dave is around.  i think she's going to be a daddy's girl.  i love seeing dave's face light up when he feels her move.

still no stretch marks. but i can tell that i'm gaining {a lot} of weight. this week, baby is the size of an iceberg lettuce. measuring about 14.8 inches long and weighs roughly 2.2 pounds. sleep and i have not been very good friends the last couple nights. it's only going to get worse i know it. and the belly button is about to pop ;)

i'm happy to be in the third trimester!

chocolate chip oatmeal cookies//


i actually baked something yesterday.  yes, me! i used to be quite the baker when i lived at home but once i got married, i stuck to the cookie mixes instead of baking them from scratch.  well yesterday i was craving oatmeal cookies and decided to make a batch. the smell throughout your entire home of fresh baked cookies is oh so delightful.

this recipe was super easy compared to a few other oatmeal cookie recipes that i found.  so i went for this one.  enjoy!!

1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup shortening
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
3 cups oatmeal
2 cups chocolate chips

mix all ingredients together.  bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.  {i baked mine for 11 minutes exactly and they were perfect!}

>>it's also a smaller recipe, so if you're looking for a lot of cookies i would double it.

heads up!

for kicks and giggles,  here is a little heads up for all you preggers or future preggers...
>>before you know it, your baby bump will be bigger than you think. use caution.<<

on sunday morning, i decided to make dave a little {okay, BIG} st. patties day breakfast.  only to find out we didn't have any green food coloring. :(  yes, you kind of lose your mind during pregnancy and maybe that's part of the reason i did what i did.

not remembering that i actually have a belly now, i got a little too close to the stove.  i bet you can guess what happened to this poor little bump.  yup, burned.  luckily i jumped away quickly and wasn't burned too terribly bad, but i've got a lovely mark about 2 inches long going across my belly now.

i guess my point is, don't under estimate the size of your bump.... it's bigger than you realize.

happy tuesday.

life lately//


i'd have to say that this week has been pretty good... we've had some rough moments. but all in all it has been pretty awesome.

-for one thing, the weather seriously has been amazing.  i've worn flip flops every day and i even wore shorts yesterday. {for half the day, since my belly is getting way to big to fit in any of my old clothes comfortably}
-my hubby let me spend a little money at lululemon this week.  these pants are heavenly.  hands down, the best thing i have ever worn! and man oh man they feel amazing around my bump.
-like i said last week, we got new phones for dave and i and dave's parents.  it took an entire week to get dave's number ported over to his new phone. {ask him how it made him feel}
-dave got his toe x-rayed yesterday. it's fractured. and he has to wear a boot. poor guy.
-we played outside at the park until 8:30pm monday night. i love this weather.
-i had a doctors appointment on tuesday.  it was my turn for the famous "yummy drink" and in my opinion, it wasn't yummy at all.  i had a huge headache and a very active baby. but other than that, things are looking great!

26.5 weeks along; almost in the third trimester!!! || baby is the size of an eggplant; around 14 inches and weighs a little less than 2 pounds || movement: TONS; this baby girl is constantly moving || i loveeeee that i can actually see my belly move whenever she moves || my maternity skinny jeans from old navy & the studio pant from lulu are my best friends || i am sooo looking forward to meeting this little girl of ours || my next appointment is april 10... it's getting closer and closer.

more ramblings

you probably noticed that our blog got a little makeover.  it's partially because i am- 1// bored a lot of the time and- 2// because i am never satisfied with the look. but! i think this may be the winner. what do you guys think?

so i know that the whole process of building and expanding your blog takes time and effort. but i feel like i'm in the struggling phase. i need your help. i have done many/multiple ways of trying to reach out and really put my blog out there.  but i'm just not receiving anything in return.

yeah, yeah. be patient sarah.
got it!
i'm going to keep being patient.. but for those of you awesome followers, i think i need your help :)

dave and i are both pregnant.  in case you all weren't aware.  we love our bellies. {see photo below}

we switched over to sprint.. which has been quite the process.  at&t hasn't wanted to port over our current phone numbers to sprint.  {it's much more complicated, but that's what i got out of it} however, my phone number was the only one that worked. so i am no longer phone-less. and look! hubs and i are now twinners!! {see photo below}

husband broke his toe at soccer on thursday night.  {everyone thought he was exaggerating} but once we got home and the shoe came off,  it was proven.  poor dave's toe.  it's very swollen and completely black and blue. but what can you really do about a broken toe, right? we've kept lots of medicine in him and iced that thing a ton. i hate when dave is sick or hurt.

we went and saw 'oz the great and powerful' last night. it was really good. actually it was great.  just felt super long.  and baby kicked me the whole time.  don't worry baby, you can watch movies from the outside soon{ish}

and i'm making this jello recipe for sunday dinner with the eggett's this weekend. {see photo below} here is the recipe>>

what you'll need//
-2 cups crushed pretzels
-3/4 cups butter, melted
-3 tablespoons white sugar

-1 {8 ounce} package cream cheese, softened
-1 cup white sugar
-1 {8 ounce} container frozen whipped topping, thawed

-2 {3 ounce} packages strawberry flavored jell-o
-2 cups boiling water
-2 {10 ounce} packages frozen strawberries

1. preheat oven to 400 degrees F

2. stir together crushed pretzels, melted butter and 3 tablespoons white sugar; mix well and press mixture into the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish.

3. bake 8 to 10 minutes, until set. set aside to cool.

4. in a large mixing bowl cream together cream cheese and 1 cup sugar. fold in whipped topping.  spread mixture onto cooled crust.

5. dissolve gelatin in boiling water. stir in still frozen strawberries and allow to set briefly.  when mixture is about the consistency of egg whites, poor and spread over cream cheese layer. refrigerate until set.

<<prep time: 35 minutes cook time: 10 minutes ready in: 45 minutes>>

next up on my list>>

i am always searching for cute craft ideas. but you know what?  they usually never happen. my mom and sisters like to get together every once in a while on a saturday and do lunch & a craft.  maybe i can convince them for our next girls day to make these adorable head bands....

of course, they can make them for themselves.  but i'm going to be making them for little baby.
>>if you know where i can find adorable fabric like these, let me know.

and no worries, i'll let you know if  this actually goes down. :)

{photo from: littlehipsqueaks}

happy thoughts//


i can't believe that it's march already.  i mean i can't complain, it just means it's one month closer to summer. oh and our baby coming!

it's time for our happy list//

//warm{ish} weather; spring is on it's way
//my loving husband
//baby kicks
//new phones
//new blogging friends
//bbq's on our balcony
//late night talks
//tickle fights
//10 seconds of jumping on the bed

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an easy dinner idea


i am all about easy when it comes to making dinner, especially when i actually decide to make a real meal.  this pregnancy has really made me a lazy wife, sorry babe! {just 3 months left} 

as i was cleaning the kitchen up a bit yesterday, i found some italian seasoned bread crumbs in our pantry and automatically thought of an easy dinner idea.

my mom used to make something similar when i was growing up. she was working last night so i couldn't call her to see exactly what she put in it.... so i just made it up.

it really did turn out delightful, except... if i had used my brain, i think the actual cooking part of it would have gone a little bit smoother.

//what you need//
chicken breast
about 1/2 cup flour
bread crumbs
italian seasoning
about 1/2 cup of milk
half a stick of butter

in one {small} bowl, add your flour, bread crumbs and italian seasoning.  i literally just guessed on the measurements. but definitely add more bread crumbs than flour.

in a separate {small} bowl, add your milk.

prepare your chicken the way you like it, dip the whole chicken breast in your milk then into the bread crumbs mixture. cover chicken completely. continue this process with each chicken breast.

cut up your half a stick of butter and place into a frying pan evenly spread out. {let melt a little bit before adding chicken}

place your chicken in pan and cook on low until done.

and viola! your dinner is served!! enjoy.
*this goes along with any side dish.  we kept it nice and simple and just steamed some carrots.

awesome & awkward

-this past weekend felt a little longer than usual for us eggett's... dave's first appointment yesterday wasn't until noon...
-so we got to sleep in together and make a little breakfast.
-i am officially twenty five weeks pregnant. 25!!
-dave's soccer game was actually at normal hours monday night. 6:10pm compared to 11:15pm that i feel like every game has been at this season.
-the sun has actually been out a couple days....
-on saturday, i wore flip flops and dave wore shorts!!!
-i am currently making some brownies... which are starting to make our whole place smell absolutely delightful.
-i think we've finally figured out our next "home" once our lease is up in may. :)
-i've been going to the gym, trying to get a little exercise in; instead of being a complete lazy butt.
which leads me to the...

-every single day last week, i was the exact definition of 'lazy'. i didn't do a darn thing all week long.  i'm not joking.
-i'm phoneless for the next few days until we can figure out our phone plan.... we've been having problems with at&t. {has anyone else?!}
-i've been using a landline all day for the first time in {so many} years.
-so here at our apartment complex we have what they call the "quiet hours" {which are from 10:00pm to 8:00am} and lucky for us we've been stuck with complete crazies as neighbors. on all sides except one...
-over the weekend we had invited some friends over, including my sister and her husband.  they decided to bring along their newest addition to their fam, toby. he's the cutest puppy you'll ever see. anywho. dave and tobs were playing/running across the room at 8:30pm. eight thirty, guys. when all of a sudden our neighbors above us start stomping on the floor. is that their way of telling us to be quiet?? we were kind of bugged...
-not to mention, the psycho lady vacuums at five thirty in the morning!! for twenty-thirty minutes straight. {this has happened way more than we can count}

p.s. baby showers are getting closer and closer... all you mommies out there, what are your "must have's" for a brand new baby??
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