getting organized//


umm, hello?? cuteness!!!

i have always been an organized person. before i got pregos our place was always spotless and there was never any clutter. {ask dave} there are times now, when i have to remind dave that this is not who i really am.  this pregnancy has taken over.

yesterday, and well actually, the last few days i've had this urge to get organized again.  i don't really know why because everything is getting packed up within the next few weeks.

but i found myself wandering the 'office' section at target yesterday and stubbled upon these adorable "organizing" supplies.  i have a problem guys,  i have an obsession with office supplies. and i don't really know why.  i just love them.  and i have to have everything.  i try my very best to avoid going to any office depot or office max and i most definitely avoid any office asile at any store.  it's bad news for me. and always has been.

but, i caved in yesterday and bought a couple things to help keep our important information and bills organized. my little sister has been using a binder to keep her bills organized since she got married and it has seemed to be working well for them. so i'm trying the same thing.

inside the binder are a few of the following//
+tabs and sheet protectors
+ medical, insurance, phone services, boat and any other important information for your family needs
+a checklist of bills that need to be paid each month
+a page with important user names & passwords
+any bills received by mail; marked with "date paid, amount and confirmation #"

hopefully this will keep me more organized.  i know once this baby is here all my old habits will be back. or lets hope so, for my sake.  i may just go crazy with a non-organized home.

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