happy thoughts//


i can't believe that it's march already.  i mean i can't complain, it just means it's one month closer to summer. oh and our baby coming!

it's time for our happy list//

//warm{ish} weather; spring is on it's way
//my loving husband
//baby kicks
//new phones
//new blogging friends
//bbq's on our balcony
//late night talks
//tickle fights
//10 seconds of jumping on the bed

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  1. Warmer weather. I can't wait. I can't can't wait. Tickle fights. SO cute! Also..thank you for what you said on my blog today! I got a pretty harsh email telling me that planning it without birth control doesn't work. Because her friend did it. Bleh bleh whateva. But thank you. I LOVE you guys! And your blog is so so wonderful.

    1. well thank you for the comment @amandaschroeder.... i just thought i'd add my input on your post about birth control. sheesh! some people and their harsh comments. :/and thank you, thank you for following our blog!! :) i also love your blog. maybe we can do a blog swap soon!!


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