feeling blessed>>

i have been feeling really blessed lately and on multiple occasions have stopped and thought to myself how incredibly lucky i am to have the life that i have.  i grew up in a wonderful family, the best family you could have. with a loving mother and father, and four amazing siblings who have become my best friends over the years.  i am very lucky to have grown up in the lds church, it has taught me so much.  and even though i have gone through many difficult challenges throughout the last five years i am still grateful that my parents always encouraged us to go to church every single week. i can't even begin to describe how blessed i feel to have dave in my life.  since the day i met him 3 years ago he has changed my life in so many ways that he'll never know. i really am lucky.  for his love and support in everything and for putting up with my mood swings that sometimes us girls just can't control.  i am so grateful and beyond excited that dave and i have a small but growing family.  we can't wait to welcome our little baby girl to our family.  she will change our lives forever.

enough with the mushy serious stuff, life has been crazy the last little while and i wanted to share so that we can remember what has been going on.  last week, dave and i helped his sister and her husband by watching their seven kids overnight while they were out of town for a work convention.  we thought that it would probably be easiest to bring the kiddo's to our apartment. {more comfortable for this 7 months preggers} in a way, it was a little easier.  but it wasn't at the same time.  seven kids never stop talking just so you are all aware.  we actually had our crazy neighbor come down at 7:00pm, freaking out because we were being too loud.  i'm glad dave answered the door and i loved his response.. "i don't care". the kids went to bed really easy. when morning came, we made breakfast, cleaned up and packed them in the car and went back to their house until their parents got home later that afternoon.  all we have to say is, we are very impressed with jason and jana.  i have no idea how they do it.

dave was really sick over the weekend.  with a sore throat, stuffy nose and an achey body. he took a couple days off work to rest up so that he could get rid of that darn cold.  i was hoping that i just wouldn't get it, but i woke up in the middle of the night last night with all the same symptoms. go away cold!!

on saturday last week,  we had a girls day and had lunch and tie dyed shirts at my sisters.  chicken salad sandwiches and little teeny tie dyed baby onesies.  ahh gotta love it.

we've been spending more time than we usually do up at his parents house just hanging out with shauna and randy.  dave and i are planning on moving in once our lease is up so we can start saving for a house.  we even talked about building possibilities last night and it made us both really excited.. i don't think moving is anybody's favorite thing to do.  especially dave and i's.  it's really been stressing me out lately.  mostly because i don't have the energy to box everything up.  so we're starting this weekend and we're slowly putting things away so that when may comes, we don't actually have to do it all in just a few days.

the weather was amazing yesterday, and we spent a good little while outside helping dave's parents trim their apple tree.  it felt so nice to have the sun out.  i even convinced dave to buy a bassinet for the baby, so we put that together yesterday too!

my mom has finally found a place of her own and will be moving out of her parents house this weekend.  i'm so excited for her!! her new place is nice and big and open and will be perfect for the three of them.  i'm so happy for her.

dave and i went to see the new gi joe movie last night with his sister and parents.  at 9:30pm.  i've never been so uncomfortable during a movie ever! these ribs and my back are killing me.  i'm somewhat convinced that it was just the seats.... but it most definitely was also because of this little human inside of me. :)

i can't believe that easter is this sunday!! where has the time gone?!  that's our life lately, it's going to get ten times crazier as it gets closer and closer to summer and baby time!! we can't wait.


  1. I posted something similar to this this morning. I'm just feeling so blessed for life in general right now :) Hope dave is feeling much better! Mr. Schroeder is really sick right now too :( Dang it!

  2. This is the lamest question but, do you have a good chicken salad recipe?? I love it but it never tastes as good as when you buy it!


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