heads up!

for kicks and giggles,  here is a little heads up for all you preggers or future preggers...
>>before you know it, your baby bump will be bigger than you think. use caution.<<

on sunday morning, i decided to make dave a little {okay, BIG} st. patties day breakfast.  only to find out we didn't have any green food coloring. :(  yes, you kind of lose your mind during pregnancy and maybe that's part of the reason i did what i did.

not remembering that i actually have a belly now, i got a little too close to the stove.  i bet you can guess what happened to this poor little bump.  yup, burned.  luckily i jumped away quickly and wasn't burned too terribly bad, but i've got a lovely mark about 2 inches long going across my belly now.

i guess my point is, don't under estimate the size of your bump.... it's bigger than you realize.

happy tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. You kinda just forget that it's there. Not used to have something stickin out that far! Well, good to keep in mind then haha. hope you are doing better!



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