life lately//


i'd have to say that this week has been pretty good... we've had some rough moments. but all in all it has been pretty awesome.

-for one thing, the weather seriously has been amazing.  i've worn flip flops every day and i even wore shorts yesterday. {for half the day, since my belly is getting way to big to fit in any of my old clothes comfortably}
-my hubby let me spend a little money at lululemon this week.  these pants are heavenly.  hands down, the best thing i have ever worn! and man oh man they feel amazing around my bump.
-like i said last week, we got new phones for dave and i and dave's parents.  it took an entire week to get dave's number ported over to his new phone. {ask him how it made him feel}
-dave got his toe x-rayed yesterday. it's fractured. and he has to wear a boot. poor guy.
-we played outside at the park until 8:30pm monday night. i love this weather.
-i had a doctors appointment on tuesday.  it was my turn for the famous "yummy drink" and in my opinion, it wasn't yummy at all.  i had a huge headache and a very active baby. but other than that, things are looking great!

26.5 weeks along; almost in the third trimester!!! || baby is the size of an eggplant; around 14 inches and weighs a little less than 2 pounds || movement: TONS; this baby girl is constantly moving || i loveeeee that i can actually see my belly move whenever she moves || my maternity skinny jeans from old navy & the studio pant from lulu are my best friends || i am sooo looking forward to meeting this little girl of ours || my next appointment is april 10... it's getting closer and closer.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't like that glucose drink, either! I remember thinking "this isn't so bad" with the first sip, but each sip after that was increasingly bad. EW!


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