the last trimester

i am now officially in the third trimester and 28 weeks along. {big sigh} it's such a relief to finally be within the last few weeks of pregnancy.  it's been a rough one, and i think i may have convinced myself that one is plenty for us eggett's.  but you know what? i think i'm actually going to miss it a little bit. i'll miss the fact that i always have a little buddy with me.  i'll miss feeling her little and sometimes not so little kicks and movements. i think, yes i think, i'll miss my baby bump.  but dave and i are getting so excited to meet this little baby egg.

at twenty eight weeks, i am actually starting to feel uncomfortable.  i woke up for the first time yesterday with painful ribs. and went throughout the day feeling her kick and jab me in the ribs for the first time. {i was definitely dreading this day} this baby girl is constantly moving and i absolutely love it.  i love actually seeing her move and i love feeling her little body parts poking up. {i can't wait to hold this little babe} she loves her daddy.  whenever daddy comes home, she goes nuts. and actually, the most movement is when dave is around.  i think she's going to be a daddy's girl.  i love seeing dave's face light up when he feels her move.

still no stretch marks. but i can tell that i'm gaining {a lot} of weight. this week, baby is the size of an iceberg lettuce. measuring about 14.8 inches long and weighs roughly 2.2 pounds. sleep and i have not been very good friends the last couple nights. it's only going to get worse i know it. and the belly button is about to pop ;)

i'm happy to be in the third trimester!

1 comment:

  1. You look Beautiful! So glad you have this blog, It seems like forever since I have seen you guys, this way I can see what Dave and you are up too.

    Can't believe you are in the last trimester, the first pregnancy/baby always seems to last the longest, because of the unknown excitement that comes with having your first baby.

    Love you two!


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